Part Twelve

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Pj's P.O.V

There were sun beams hitting my face making my eyes flutter open. I rose instantly regretting it as my head throbbed. Chris had thrown a cushion over his head, and I was glancing around at the surroundings I realised that we were in Phil's room. When did we get in here? Chris obviously noticed I was awake because he had turned and squinted before finally sitting up. "Ugh my head kills," he grumbled, gently rubbing his temples. "Yeah, mine too," I replied mimicking his actions. "Chris, how did we get in Phil's bed?"  Raising his eyebrow he glanced around before turning back to me "I don't know do you think Dan and Phil are awake though?" "Hopefully," I replied before throwing the duvet off me and steading myself on the wall. Chris copied my actions. I grabbed his hand and we stumbled into the living room to find Phil sat cross-legged on the sofa with Dan nuzzled into his chest. Phil had one arm swung round Dan's shoulder and the other fiddling with Dan's hair. They looked so happy and peaceful, Chris had a delicate grin painted on his face. We carried on until we met the sofa.

Phil's P.O.V

11:41 and for once me and Dan were both awake. We had moved from the bed to the sofa and I was cradling him in my arms. He had come down with a heavy cold and obviously felt terrible. He had left his hair curly as promised, to be honest, I don't think he cared much about his hair today. I was gently running my fingers through his hair pushing it out of his eyes. "Philly... The British Bake Off Is On.... Can We Watch It Please." Dan exclaimed sniffling. "Awh of course sweetie." I picked up the remote and skipped a few channels. By the time it had started Pj and Chris had plodded in, I could hear them but I didn't want to move, we were to comfortable. They thumped down on the couch, next to us. making Dan jump. "Guys, what happened last night?" Pj asked scratching his kneck. Dan sat up a bit more and jumped on my lap so he was facing them. "You don't remember!" he sniffled. Chris giggled as he heard Dan speak causing Dan's paled cheeks to turn scarlet. "Dan you sound so adorable" Chris burst out. Dan's cheeks darkened and he burrowed his head into my chest. i rested my hand on the back of his head and kissed his forehead. "No we can't remember anything." Peej murmured 


 Chris hopped off and gently hit Pj's tummy before sprinting out the room with Pj jogging behind him. They reached the sitting room and started talking to people, Dan and Phil wandered out to find their living room bare of people apart from two males slouched against the wall sniggering to themselves. "Guys, why don't you stay here tonight, you can't go home, you will have an accident," Phil suggested Dan agreeing, "Okey Dokey." Pj beamed. "Come on we will help you into Phil's room." Dan advised Dan grabbing Pj off the floor and wrapping one arm round Pj and one of Pj's arms round him, With Phil doing the same to Chris. They sat them on the bed and left. 

*******FLASHBACK OVER*********

Chris's P.O.V

What did we do when they were gone? I am pretty sure we just went to sleep. I glanced over at the fragile man sat infront of me his green eyes dazzling as the light hit them. "Oh ok then." He spoke with such serenity. He obviously didn't think much of it. Dan still had his head hidden in Phil's chest. They really were a perfect couple, they were so comfortable with eachother there were so many reasons they belonged together like the trust they had, the laughs they share, the respect they have for eachother, the way they now eachothers weaknesses and have seen eachother in their moment of weakness but, the strongest is the way they look at eachother with complete admiration and love in their eyes. I just hoped Me and Pj were like that and if we weren't then we would be and soon.

Dan's P.O.V

They all know I hate being laughed at, the best way I could hide was to nuzzle down into Phil's chest. Would that make them laugh more, I know technically it was a giggle and he did say I sounded cute. But WHAT! I felt Phil kiss my forehead and I felt safer knowing I was so close to him, "Oh ok then." Pj interjected. I raised my head revealing my blushing cheeks. Phil took one look and smiled. I stood up and wandered to the kitchen I pulled 4 cups out of the cupboard and shoved a teabag in each one adding milk sugar and hot water. I grabbed some aspirin and shoved in my pocket before cautiously carrying the four cups of steaming tea and placing it on the coffee table. I removed the asprin from my pocket and launched it at Pj and Chris. "Cheers mate." Chris thanked "Thanks, Dan." Pj mimicked. 

It had got to five pm and 'the fantastic foursome' Just spent the day watching tv. It was quite pleasing to be able to relax with Phil and not be shouted at for being with him or judged. "Guys we should go, it is five we are going to get dinner, see you later?" Chris yawned rising of the couch with Pj dragging up behind him "Oh Bye guys!" Phil and I called before we were finally alone in our apartment. "Phil I am hungry." I whined "Yeah me too come on I think there is chips in the freezer." we both waddled into the kitchen and Phil started rummaging. He emerged with a large bag of oven bake chips. I placed a baking tray on the counter and Phil poured some onto the tray and slid into the oven. "We should tidy the apartment it is still trashed." he winked at me and opened the draw by my hip. he pulled out a roll of bin liners and a packet of clothes. "Come on Danny, For me."  "Ok Philly for you I will do anything." I grabbed the black bags out of his hand and dispatched one off the roll. I started picking up empty bottles, packets, cans, plastic cups. the bag was full pretty quickly, and Phil had started hoovering. "Phil it is clean enough can we eat now?" he just giggled and replied. "Go check the chips whilst I finish hoovering." I grabbed the Pacman oven gloves from ontop of the counter and pulled the tray out, the chips had gone from a yellowy colour to a bronze. I picked one up, to bite into. "SHIT! I think they are done Phil!" He wandered in "You ok sweetie?" he queried. "Yeah Philly I just burnt my lip." Phil jump over and embraced me in his arms he pulled back and packed me on my sore lips before placing all the chips in a bowl and yanking my wrist. 

Phil's P.O.V

Today has been amazing really we didn't really worry about a lot we just enjoyed each others company. I pulled my phone up on the arm of the chair and tweeted about the foo we were about to indulge in; before actually digging in. 

****20 minutes later*****

"Dan you have ketchup on your nose, how did you get it there?" "how did you not get it there? he joked giggling to himself as he wiped his face. "I don't know Dan." he jumped on me wrapping his arms round my kneck. "Well guess what.... I love you my perfect Philion." he winked and kissed my cheek. "I love you too my perfect Danosaur." 

The Love Between A Danosaur And A Philion (A Phan Story)Where stories live. Discover now