Part Thirteen

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Phil's P.O.V

I and Dan sat cuddling and joking with each other, It was nights like this I treasured the most. "We should go shopping for presents tomorrow," Dan suggested. "Yeah, that's a good idea, better to get it done." "Who do we need to get presents for?" "Our parents, Chris, Peej And You." "Okay then, we can shop for each other first, then meet up and we need to put a price limit on it."  "Dan you are over thinking it, sweetie." "Sorry, I think I'm excited." He blushed and tilted his face to the right shielding his face a little. I placed my index and middle finger under his chin, I leaned in and kissed his rouged cheek. "It's cute, and should we say an eighty-pound limit?" his head bobbled up, "Yeah, okay." He announced in a timid voice. "What time should we aim for getting into town though Philly?" "Eleven is a good time." I smiled at his still curly hair "I am glad I get to spend my Christmas with you, Danny." "Yeah I can't wait." bouncing at each word until finally leaping on top of me pushing me down on the sofa. "I love you a lot, Phil." "I love you so much too Dan!" 

It got later and later and I and Dan cuddled closer and closer. "Danny can we go to bed we have to get up early tomorrow and we both have to shower before we go out." "Okay, Philly lets go." He stood up and grabbed my hands pulling me up off the sofa. he dragged me into my bedroom "In here?" Turning to face me. I brushed the curly fringe out of his chocolate brown eyes. "As long as I am with you Dan I will never care, You are amazing and you are finally mine so we can be amazing together." I winked at the cheeky pun I threw in there. 

Dan's P.O.V

My eyes started to fill, I felt one warm salty tear drip down my rouged cheeks and land on my slightly parted lips. This man truly loved me, and he was mine and I was the luckiest man in the world for that. "Phil you mean the world to me and I am so happy we don't have to part." I wiped my dampened cheek and smiled. Phil smiled and locked his arms around me. "And we never will." He reassured placing his forehead against mine and giving me an Eskimo kiss. I cupped his face in my hands. "Good." I let my legs go and my tumbled onto Phil's bed. We curled up together twisting our legs into each other. "Night Dan." A small voice next to me whispered. "Night sweetie," I answered before the darkness drowned me into a slumber. 

*********************************************************************************************************** "Danny... The shower is running for you." Whispering in my ear, It sent a shiver down my spine as my eyes flickered open. "Okay.. thanks, Philly." I shake my head slightly rising off the mattress. I strode into the bathroom grabbing a towel on my way. Still trying to wake up and being me I slipped over as soon as I tried to step into the shower. A manic knocking repeated at the door before a shouting "DAN ARE YOU OKAY?" I giggled as I stood up. "Yeah, I am fine." 

Phil's P.O.V

"The love for what you hide, The bitterness inside, Is growing like the newborn." Sang Dan loudly from the shower. I smiled softly as I put 2 pop tarts on each side of the toaster. I heard the lock click and the door creak. "Dan breakfast will be done in about 1 minute," I called as the thin boy disappeared into his bedroom. The toaster popped up "Daniel...."  smiling at his extended name. A natural haired boy walked out with one eyebrow raised. "You know I don't like to be called Daniel!" He thumped on the breakfast bar. He was wearing black skinny jeans the black Christmas jumper he had bought. "Your jumper looks so cute on you," I stated placing to pop tarts down in front of Dan. He started to play with one as he turned crimson. "Thank you." A crackly voice whispered followed by a throaty cough. I started nibbling the corner of the pop tart that was placed in my hand. I glanced up at Dan who was on his second one. "Sweetie you might want to eat a bit slower!" "Nah, I am fine." He gulped the last bite and slipped the plate in the sink. He kissed my cheek "Thanks, Philly I will be ready in two ticks I have to straighten my hair." He slipped away and returned within ten minutes with shoes straight hair and his pockets filled. "Let's go." He announced cheerfully. "Come on then." I pushed my plate on top of Dan's making them clink as they hit. I pulled on my shoes. and we locked the door as we left.

The Love Between A Danosaur And A Philion (A Phan Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora