Part Eleven

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Dan's P.O.V

Before long we were cuddled on the sofa in lounge pants watching adventure time and eating pizza, we thought a large was plenty. "Dan." A muffled voice spoke from next to me, I span and saw Phil shielding his mouth with his hand so no food escaped.   "Yeah?" I questioned " "Do you want to make a video, after dinner." he announced swallowing the remaining food. "Yeah that would be good idea it will surprise them and we haven't uploaded in a while." "what should we do?" He enquired . "urrmm.........Oh we should do would we rather, we can ask people for questions on twitter." "Yeah ok Dan bear, Get your laptop I will get my camera for you sweet." "Thankyou so much hunny." we switched the camera on and I said hello and Phil slid in after me saying "and you wouldn't have it so I ended up just doing it with....." "Hey everyone" Phil slid in with a smile smacked from his cheeks. "I hate you." I joked. His face dropped and I instantly regretted it, I pounced on him taking him to the ground, "I am so sorry Philly I could never hate you I love you so much I am so so sorry!"  "Dann.. I love you too! Come on lets get recording Properly!" "Ok." Giggling I sat up. "Are you ready?" "YEAH!" 

About twenty minutes into recording Phil stopped and looked at me "Well I don't want you to get naked." He exclaimed in reply to my answer I hate raisins."Oh, you don't want me to do you, Philly." I pouted and added a cheeky wink. " Daniel! stop, please let's finish!" "Sorry yeah let's go." we finished our discussion and carried on. about 10 minutes later. [about 2 minutes in the final video]  he turned "hang on we have been recording this for about half an hour and I haven't noticed that t-shirt." "What?? What is wrong with this? Wild cats I'm not gonna stop, not gonna stop til' I get my shot." I sang loud with little hand gestures. Phil's eyes widened and he looked unamused. whoops. we recorded more a little longer and then stopped. "That went well," assured Phil shoving his camera in the drawer. "Yeah, I have to edit it now. Will you be ok by yourself for an hour or two?" I don't know why I always got so worried about leaving him alone, I just did. "Yes, Dan-bear go." I strolled to my bedroom and started work.

Phil's P.O.V

It was lonely without Dan by my side I suppose I got used to him being there, I had been surfing the internet for about three hours, and I started t feel lonely. I set my laptop down and wondered into Dan's room. He had his headphones on so he didn't hear me. I pressed my index finger on the back of his neck making him shudder and fall off his chair. "Phil." He whined he squirmed so he was sat upright. Blood dripped down his cheek and onto his shirt. Running to the bathroom I dampened some tissue and sprinted back to Dan. I placed it on his cheek. He winced "Phil what the hell!" His tone changed and he sounded angry. "Sorry, Dan-bear but you always prank me so I thought I would try I didn't want this to happen I am so sorry plea...." "Phil it is fine don't worry come on the video is uploaded can we go to bed?" "Anything for you sweetie!" He pulled me off the floor and he slid into his bed. I stood and stared at him unsure wether to jump in with him or turn the light out and leave. He opened his arms and I leaped landing directly in between them snuggling under the duvet we fell into a dream filled sleep.

It was about 5:30 in the morning and sleep eluded me, I slid out of Dan's arms carefully so not to wake him. Shuffling along the landing I plonked my self down on the couch and pressed the button on my laptop so the screen shone on my face burning my pupils.I scrolled down each page skimming each picture and each word that sprung up on my screen, the 'phan' tag wasn't as bad as it could have been to be honest. I heard fumbling in the bedroom and clicked the dashboard button and continued scrolling.He stumbled into the fake lit room squinting whilst rubbing his eyes. "Philly, it's like 6 am what are you doing up?" the truth is I didn't know why I was awake at the ungodly hour. "I couldn't sleep." I answered smiling at his curly hair. "Why didn't you wake me up?" he stated."You looked way to cute Dan-bear plus you rarely get much sleep, go back to bed I am fine honest." Grinning to reassure him.  "I can't now I know you are awake." "Danny honest I will be fine I am sure I will drift off sooner ore later." "Ok Philly...... Night I love you." "I love you too sweetie." I kissed his forehead and he plodded back to my bedroom. I heard the door click and I carried on scrolling down and down.

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