Chapter 26

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After Bri told me to leave Meghan alone, I had to go find Ava. I still don’t get why she would do this to me. What did I ever do to her? 

“Ava!” I called as I walked down the board walk. “Ava!!” I would call every now and then a little bit louder each time until, I finally spotted her…. Smoking? A cigarette? “Ava!” I say as I walk to her, and I see her smirk. She’s with a group of people that I recognize. “What do you want?” She says casually as if nothing just happened, and I am on the verge of tears. “Why did you do that?” I scream. “Do what?” She can’t be doing this right now. I’m not going to take this, but I can’t hit her. She’s a girl, I don’t hit girls. “Don’t do this. You know well enough what the hell you did.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about Nick. I really don’t.” She says smirking. “Really? Well let me jog your memory then. I mean we were having a nice friendly conversation, then when you saw Meghan, you went and kissed me! And may I add, you totally showed me the wrong time, so I WAS late for the picnic with her! You ruined my whole relationship.” “Sounds pretty familiar doesn’t it?” She says seriously, and with that, she walked away from me. What the hell was she talking about?


I had to explain to Meghan what happened. I don’t expect her to believe me, but I’ll have to try to figure out. 

I practically ran to her house. When I got there, her brother opened the door. “What do you want?” He asks sternly. “I need to see your sister.” I say back. “So, you’re the one that made her like this? What did you do to hurt her?” He asks getting pissed. He walks out, pushing me back, and shuts the door behind him. “I didn’t do anything! It was this other girl.” “So you did something with another girl in front of her, or behind her back?” “I didn’t do anything wrong! I just saw a girl I’ve been best friends with after she moved back. We were having a friendly conversation, and she just kissed me out of no where! I didn’t kiss back! I swear.!” I hear a giggle, and I turn around to see Ava walking passed us. “is that her?” “Yes.” “I believe you. “You believe that that’s her?” “No, well yes, but I believe that she kissed you and you didn’t do anything wrong.” “Oh thank god. Can I please talk to her now?” “It might be hard, because Bri’s up there with her, and Bri’s pretty tough. But you can try. If you need help, talk to me.” He says tapping my shoulder with his hand. “Thank you.” I say.

I go upstairs, once he lets me in. “Which is her room?” I ask her brother because I’ve never been in her room before. “Just go straight.” He says, and I nod. I get close to the door, and gently knock. I hear small sobs. “Come in.” I hear Bri’s voice. She doesn’t realize that it’s me. That’s the only reason she’s saying come in. 

I peak my head through the door, and she looks over to see who it is, and see’s that it’s me. “No. You are NOT coming in here. Now leave. “ She says pointing back to the door. I walk in and she finally gets up and starts pushing me out the door. Damn is she strong. “Just let me explain to Meghan what exactly happened!” “We both know well what happened there.” She says slamming the door. “You really don’t.” I murmur to myself. 

I walk downstairs, and ask her mom where Caleb is. I walk to his room and knock on the door. “What is it?” He asks, then looks up to realize who it is. “Can’t get passed Bri, can you?” He asks as if already knowing. “Well… yeah.” “I knew it. Hold on, I’ll get her out so you can talk to Meghan. But don’t expect Meghan to believe you. She’s been through too many heartbreak to put up with this.” “I know, but I just need to tell her.” “Alright.” Is the last thing he says before going upstairs and walking into the room. 

Before I knew it, Caleb was out of the room with Bri, and there was an annoyed look on her face. When they’re fully down the stairs, I make my way up and into Meghan’s room. I knock. “Who is it.” She says now knowing that I’m here. “It’s Nick.” “Go away then.” I open the door anyways. “Please, I just want to talk.” “I have nothing to say to you.” “Then don’t say anything, just listen please.” “Why should I? You broke my heart. I saw you kiss another girl right in front of me for fucks sake!” “That’s the thing. I didn’t. That’s why you have to listen.” We sit there silently, before she finally speaks. “Fine. You have 5 minutes and that’s it.” “Okay. There’s this girl, and her name is Ava. We were best friends from 2nd grade to 7th grade. Then she moved. So when she came back here, I got a call from her, and she wanted to meet up, and catch up on things that we’ve missed. So of course, like anyone else would, I agreed. So we went there, and everything was fine. And I was about to leave, but she told me that it wasn’t time yet. I didn’t know she was lying to me. She said that I had the wrong time on my phone, but she had the wrong time on hers. On purpose. So me being stupid and not thinking. I sat back down, because I thought she was right. So we went on, and then you showed up, and she looked out the window, and cut me off while I was talking, and just kissed me. But I swear, I didn’t kiss back. I mean I wouldn’t. I mean yeah, she’s pretty, but she’s no Meghan.”  She doesn’t say anything for a while, but then says “I’ll believe it, when I hear it from her.” I look down, knowing that I’ll never get it out of her. “That’s going to be an issue, but I’ll do whatever I can.” I say, and I mean it. “Well, now that you have listened to me, I’m going to go now.” I get up sheepishly, and walk out the door, and close it behind me. I am sweating from that conversation. 

When I get downstairs, Bri’s sitting on the couch far away from Caleb, and I wave to both of them, and walk out the front door. The only mission I have now, is to get Ava to admit to Meghan that she did that on purpose. I also have to see what she was talking about when she said ‘Sounds pretty familiar doesn’t it.’ 

I decided I would call Ava tomorrow, and make her meet up with me to talk about this, but since it was getting pretty late, I decided to go home, and sleep the stress off that had made it’s way to me tonight. 


Sorry that this chapters kind of short! I just really wanted to update tonight(: 

It doesn't seem like you guys even read this story anymore. Maybe like 7 people read this story still, but i'm thankful(: 

And also, the 7 of you that are still reading, please go check out my story called 'Maybe One Day'. It used to be Ashtons sister, but i changed it(: Hope you all like it.

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~Stay beautiful♥

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