Chapter 15

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Me and Madison were still in shannons house waiting for her to get ready. "Mad, why do you think Mikey did that to Shannon?" I say while we play with each others fingers. "I don't even know, it's Montana, she can honestly get any boy to do whatever she wants." He says to me. "So your saying that she could get you to do anything?" I say looking up at him. He kisses me quickly and says "Well no, because your the only girl i need, Montana means nothing to me... Now it's Victoria you need to look out for." He says jokingly. I look at him with a surprised look on my face and playfully slap him. He wraps his arms around me, and places his head on my shoulder and says "Come on, you know i'm kidding.. I love you. No one could ever replace you" "I know, i'm pretty special. Love you too." I say grabbing his cheeks (Not butt cheeks assholes.) and kissing him.

Just then Shannon walks out with her outfit on. She looked really pretty! She was wearing a floral triangle bikini. And over that she was wearing a white flowy crop top that said swaggy in a red box. Paired with a pair of peach shorts. and a pair of sandals. "What do ya think?" She says spinning around. "You look great! love the outfit btw." I say. "So it doesnt look bad?" She says. "Not at all!" Madison chimes in. "Do you have your bag packed?" I ask Shannon. "Yes i do, so to your house?" She says. "Yep. onward!" I say getting up and heading out with Shannon and Madison.


We got to my house and we all headed upstairs into my room. I grabbed my outfit, and walked into the bathroom to change. I was wearing a tribal print bandeau kind of bathing suit. with the strap that starts in the middle of the bathing suit and goes around my neck, with regular bikini bottoms. The shirt that went over the bikini was a bright tye dye baggy tank top, with regular white shorts and a pair of standard flip flops. I came out and asked "Does this look bad?" because i just felt like it looked bad.. "You look great! dont worry." Madison said. "Yeah you look fine." Shannon said. "Now onto Madisons?" I ask. They both nod. I grabbed my beach bag, and we all headed to Madisons.


Me and Shannon were waiting while Mad was getting dressed. Which wasn't long because boys never take long. "So, you gonna check out some boyysss?" I teased Shannon. "I don't know, boys don't like me.. Mikey has been the first in a very very long time. I guess i'm not really that good looking, or have the best personality." I rolled my eyes at her. For the time i've been in New Jersey, i've realized that Shannon wasn't very confident in herself. But i'm not either, but i don't llike seeing people be down on themselves when they're perfect. "Shannon don't be like that, your amazing and any guy would be lucky to have you." I say. She didn't say anything but just looked down and smiled. Madison came out, said "You guys ready?" "Yeah let's go." I say as me and Shannon get up and follow Madison out the door.


We got to the beach and me and Shannon layed out our towels and sat on them. I always had to make sure the towel was layed out perfectly. Madison obviously didn't even care cause he just kind of set it down and sat on it. I was looking around like i usually do, and something catches my eye. I see Nick and Meghan walking, together, alone, on the beach with beach bags. "Guys look." I say to Madison and Shannon. "What are we looking at?" Shannon asks me. "Meghan and Nick, together, look!" I say pointing with more emphasis. "" is all Madison could say. "Do you think they have a thing?" I ask. "Dude, i actually hope so.. Meghan could use someone.." Shannon says. "Holy shit.." I say just laying my head down, and forgetting about the matter until i'm actually with Meghan.\


I got woken up at like seven in the morning because i was supposed to babysit my little sisters Lyric and Lux while my mom had a job interview. I got up and took a shower before my sisters got up so i didn't look like a mess. When i got out i heard crying, which meant that Lux woke up. I walked into her room, and right when she saw me, she stopped crying. "Hi Lucky Ducky." I say picking her up. "What do you want for breakfast?" I ask her "Pancakes!" She yells. I set her down in a chair, and get the batter. I pour a little pancake in for Lux, and a bigger one for me. When they were done, i cut Lux's pancake in the shape of Mickey Mouse. 

I heard my phone buzzing, so i looked over at it, and it was Nick.. That's weird, Nick never calls me. I pick up the phone and say

Me: Hello?

Him: Hey you doing anything today?

Me: Not that i know of, why?

Him: Wanna come to the beach with me?

Me: who's all going?

Him: Just us two.

Me: Alright, i'll go. I'll text you when i'm ready. I still have to wait for my mom to get home. I'll talk to you later. byeee.

Him: Alright, bye.

I hung up and got the syrup out. "Lucky, do you want syrup on your pancakes?" I ask her. "Yeah!" She yells. I put the syrup on the pancake and give it to her. As soon as she sees it, her mouth opens wide with surprise, and she screams "MICKEY MOUSE!" I laughed at her, and realized that Lyric had woken up and came downstairs. "Morning Lyric." I say to her. "Morning Meghan" She says rubbing her eyes. "What do you want to eat?" I ask her, taking another bite of my pancake. "Cereal." "What kind?" "Fruity Pebbles." She says. I get up, grab the milk, cereal, and a bowl, and get her the cereal. As i sit down, i hear the door open, and a voice say "I'm home!" It was my mom. "Hey mom, how'd it go?" I ask her. She comes in and sets her purse down on the table, and says "It went great i think, i might have a good chance." "Where did you apply anyways?" I ask her. "Tattoo parlor." "Thats a great job for you." i say laughing. "I know right." She says back to me. "Oh yeah mom, i'm gonna be going to the beach today." "Oh, with who?" "My friend Nick." I say, and i know shes gonna give me whitty remark. "Is this your boyfriend Nick." She says smiling, and there it is. "Mom, shut up." I say walking upstairs. 

I get dressed, and pack my beach bag. I grab my phone and text Nick. 

Sent: Hey i'm ready. are we meeting up somewhere, or....?

Soon after i sent that, i got a text back. 

Received: I'll come and get you. You live next to Bri right?

I texted back that i did, and i waited until he got here. I heard a knock on the door and yelled "Come in!" I heard the knob turn and the door open, and in came Nick. "Mom, this is Nick, Nick, this is my mom." I say pointing. "Hello Mrs.Hilton." He says shaking her hand. "Call me Ellen, and my last name isn't Hilton anymore. i'm divorced." He nods, and i say, "Well, were gonna go now.." I hug my mom, and say goodbye, and me and Nick head out the door. 

"Your mom seems cool." Nick says to me as the door closes behind us.


Were just laying there minding out own business, when Mikey starts walking towards us. Fuck. "Shannon, don't look now, but Mikeys walking over here." I say to her. "Shit." She says rolling her eyes.

When Mikey finally got over, he bent down next to Shannon and said "Shannon, i really am sorry, but i was caught in the moment, and no matter how hard i tried to stop i couldn't. Shannon, i still love you a lot, please take me back." He says to her. "Mikey, i can't. You still were making out with Montana, and that hurt me, a lot, and i can't let that happen to me again. now leave." She says back to him. "But Shannon" "Mikey, she said leave" I butted in. He got up with tears in his eyes, and walked away slowly. 

"He really needs to stop this.." Shannon says right when he leaves.


Okay, 15th chapters finally up! yayayayay! Well anyways, sorry i havent updated in a while, i had writers block, but this is really just a filler chapter, lololol. But okay, you ready for this? Do you think you could manage it?

I am going to need 10 votes. yes 10. and 5 comments until i update the next chapter. And i wont cave. I truly will not update until i get that. sorry but i love you guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter loveliesss. 

Stay beautiful~♥

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