Chapter 13

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Did this really just happen? I guess so. Well, now me and Madison are together. I wonder what everyones gonna think. Oh boy...

"Ready to go back downstairs?" Madison said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah.. lets go.." I say. We starte walking and Madison grabs my hand. I look down at our hands, then back up at Mad, and smiling. 

We get back downstairs, and everyones eyes were on us. I really don't like to be the center of attention. I wish everyone would just stop looking. like now. "Guys where were you?" Nick asks us. "We were upstairs." Madison says back to him. Wait.. Shit.. what will Vinny think? I didn't think about this. I really didn't think about anything before I answered Mad. "Well why were you guys upstairs?" Meghan asks. Madison looks at me and whispers "Should i tell them yet?" I whisper back "Not yet. lets give it time." He just nods and says "I had to tell her something secret." Madison says lying to them. They just shrug it off, and go about their business.

I pulled Meghan off to the side, so i could tell her about me and Madison. Shes my bestfriend, of course im going to tell her about me and Mad. "Meghan. come here!" I say to get her away from everyone. "What?" She asks me. "I need to tell you something, and its a secret so you have to promise not to tell anyone! got it?" "Got it." she says, so i bring her into the hallway, where nobody else was. 

"Alright, promise not to freak out. Kay?" "Okay." "So, me and Madison are a thing now.." Her eyes widened, and her mouth went into the shape of an 'o'. "No way! Since when?" "Since just today, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. please!" I say pouting my lip. "Okay i promise, but i can't believe this happened! Was it when you guys went upstairs?" She asked me. "Yes it was actually." "Alright, well we should probably get back out there before people start wondering where we are." 

We both walked out there when i heard the door bell ring. "I got it!" I called and trotted over to the door. I opened it, and it was the pizza and wings. "That will be $17.34" The pizza guy said. "Alright, i'll go get the money. I said walking back inside, and grabbing money, leaving the pizza guy to stand awkwardly by the door. I get the money off the counter, and hand the money to the man. I grab the pizza out of his hand. "Thank you. have a nice day." I say to the guy. "You too." He says back. 

"Guys! Pizzas here! Line up in an orderly fashion!" I yell loud enough to be louder than the radio. Ina matter of about a minute, everyones lined up by the little island in the kitchen. As everyone comes by with a plate I give them a piece of pizza, and they grab the wings. "Shouldn't you get the first piece? I mean you are the birthday girl." Louis says to me. "I'm fine Louis. I don't care when i get my food, as long as i get some." "Thats what she said!" Shannon yelled to me. "Shut up Shannon!" I yell to her. I grab a plate, get my food, and sit down by everyone at the dining room table. "Guys, i'm in the mood for some midnight bowling, how about you?" I say to everyone. "I'm in!" Louis, Mikey, Shannon, Meghan, Madison, and Vinny said. "I would, but i have to babysit my little sister. My mom has the night shift tonight." Thomas said. "Me either, my parents are out of town, and Sarah doesn't like to be home alone." Jason said. 


The party had ended, and me, Meghan, and everyone who was going midnight bowling had to clean up meghans house, and trust me, it was a mess. That big confetti thing did more of a mess than everything. 

We finally finished cleaning, and we were getting ready to go midnight bowling. We first had to go back to my house to get money from my mom. I open the door and yell to her. "Mom!" There was no answer. I go upstairs and into her room. I heard the shower going, so i knocked on the door. "Come in!" She yells. I open the door, and poke my head through a little to make sure she was in the shower. "Mom, can i have some money?" "For what now?" "I wanna go midnight bowling with Madison, Shannon, Meghan, Vinny, Louis, Nick,and Mikey." "No, I don't have much money, and i need it. I'm sorry but no." "But mom!" I pleaded. "I said no, and i'm not changing my mind. now stop asking me." she said. "Fine." I say.

I walk back downstairs and start looking for her purse, for the money. "What are you doing?" Nick asks me. "Looking for my moms purse." "She said yes?" "Haha no." "Well alrighty then." He says, as i continue looking for the purse. I finally found it, and took the money out of it. "Alright. lets go!" I said walking out the door.


We get to the bowling alley, and type in all our names in the computer thingy. The order goes : Me, Shannon, Vinny, Meghan, Madison, Nick, Mikey, Louis.  We all got our balls. (hehe) I went first and got a spare. "Hey guys, i gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Mikey said then went. Shannon went and ended up having to roll again since she threw the ball in the air instead of forward because "her fingers got stuck" or so she says. Everyone went their turn, and it was Mikeys so we had to wait. 

about 10 minutes passed and Mikey still wasn't back from the bathroom. Shannon was getting worried. I could tell by her face. "Shannon, do you wanna go look for him?" I ask her. she nods. 


Me and Bri went and started looking for Mikey. First we went by the guys bathroom and called his name but there was no answer. I was getting really worried now. We go and walk by the entrance, because its kind of just a lounge. Maybe he was stressed about something and need to sit down and be alone for a while. but this long? 

We go and turn the corner, and we see something we shouldn't have been seeing. 

"MIKEY!" I yell in horror.


Uh-oh. cliff hanger. muahahha. guess you'll have to wait for the next chapter. What do think is going on with Mikey? comment!!(: 

Well, you all know the deal! I need 5 votes and 3-4 comments until i update!(: And i know you guys wanna know what happened with Mikey, soo....(;

Anyways, i love you all, stay beautiful♥~

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