Chapter 25

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I knew I had to go to the birthday picnic thing that Meghan had planned, and I was excited for it actually. We haven’t been doing anything alone for a while. It’s always been her, Mikey, and I, or her, Madison, and I, or her, Bri, and I. It’ll be nice. 

“Nick, someone’s on the phone for you!” My mom calls for me downstairs. I go down there and grab the phone from her. “Who is it?” I ask her as I cover the speaker. “I’m not sure, she didn’t say.” “She?” “Yeah she.” I nod and go back upstairs to have a conversation with this mystery person.



“This is him.” 

“Do you know who this is?” 

“Sorry, no.”

“I’ll give you a hint, 7th grade. Bestfriend. Moved to Minnesota.”



“Oh my god. Ava! How’ve you been?”

“I’ve been great, and guess what.”


“I moved back to New Jersey!”

“Really? That’s great! Are you here now?” 

“I am actually. That’s why I called, I wanted to know if you wanted to meet up and catch up on things we’ve missed throughout the years.  You up for it?” 

“Yeah, totally! But I’d have to leave a little before seven, because me and my girlfriend are having this picnic on the beach today.”

“Oh… Y-you’re dating someone?” She hastily asked. She sounded kind of depressed about it, but I chose not to pay to much attention to it.

“Yeah, she’s really great, actually. I have to get off the phone soon, so where are we meeting, and what time?”

“You know that one café thing on the boardwalk that we would always go to?”


“Okay, well, we’ll go there, and at 4. Sound good?”

“Sounds great, I’ll meet you there. Bye.”

“See ya.”

I hang up the phone and check the time. It was around two, so I had time to take a shower.


After the shower, I ran back to my room, got dressed, and spiked up the front part of my hair. I checked myself one last time in the mirror, before I slicked my eyebrows with my fingers. The thing I usually do. (If you don’t know what I am talking about, we can’t be friends because it is the funniest thing ever, look it up on you tube, just look up ICONic Boyz cute moments and I guarentee you’ll find it.) 

I walk downstairs and do a time check. 3:30. “Mom!” I call for her because I don’t feel like looking for her. “What?” “Where are you?” “In the living room.” I walk in there and sit on the couch next to her. “I love you.” “What do you want.” “Can I have money?” “Why do you need money?” “Well Ava moved back and I’m meeting up with her to catch up on things.” “And Meghans okay with that?” “Why wouldn’t she be?” “You didn’t talk to her about it did you?” “No why?” “Well, she might get jealous or angry that you’re talking to another girl.” “I think she’ll understand. She’s not like that.” “Okay….” “So can I have money.” “Ughh.. Fine.” She says handing me a 10 dollar bill. “okay, I’m out, I’ll see you later because I’m going straight to Meghans picnic from the café.” “Alright! Have fun!”

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