Chapter 10

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"Vinny, i gotta go." I say pushing him a little to get him to let go of me. "Bri, what about me?" Meghan yells to me. "I dont know, you figure it out." I say back to her. I honestly had to get somewhere, where no one would hear me cry.

I didn't know where to go, but for some reason, i wanted to talk to Shannon. I mean, i know we haven't known each other for long, but i feel as if i could trust her. I take my phone out of my pocket, and dial her number. I try to make it sound like i wasn't crying, but nothing was doing the trick. I hear her pick up the phone. 

S: Hello?

B: Shannon where are you right now?

S: Bri, have you been crying? What's wrong?

B:Shannon! Where are you!

S: I'm with Mikey, why?

Jeez, are they ever apart? i think to myself. 

B: Can you meet up with me somewhere?

S: Yeah. but why?

B: I'll let ya know when you get here, but don't bring Mikey, please.

S: Okay, where do you wanna meet?

B: Meet me at the boardwalk, like in the next five minutes.

S: Okay, will do, see ya when i get there. bye.

I hung up and started walking to the board walk.


I hung up the phone and turned to Mikey to was to interested in the show he was watching. "Mikey." i say nudging him, but he wouldn't budge. "Mikey!" i scream this time, and appearantly i freaked him out, and he jumped, and ended up rolling off the bed. I couldn't help but laugh. "What was that for?!" He yells at me. "I tried to be quieter, but you wouldn't budge." "Okay, well what do you want?" "Bri needs me, i have to go. And, i'll be sleeping at my house tonight." "Awee why? stay here!" "Mikey, i have to be with my family sometimes! and i really have to go." I say then give him a kiss. I pick up my purse and head out. 


I get to the boardwalk and see Bri sitting on a bench alone in the dark with only the boardwalk lights shining over her head. I walk faster and sit down next to her. there are tears rolling down her cheeks. and her head is facing the ground. "Bri, what the hell is wrong? did someone hurt you?" "Emotionally. but that's just another cut to my wrist." "What did you say?" "I said emotionally." "No, after that." "I didn't say anything after that, just talking to myself." "Oh. okay. well whats wrong? What happened?" "Well first of all, my boyfriend came into state.." "Wait. boyfriend? you have a boyfriend?" "Well i did, and that's kind of the problem here. but it was good then, but we hung out with Vinny, and i ddin't realize i forgot to put on my bracelets, and he saw my cuts, and freaked out, and kinda ran off. so, Vinny was the only one there to comfort me, so we were hugging, and he kinda kissed me, and i guess i kissed back, but it was only because Adam left me because of what he saw, then he came back and saw us, and told me that we were over and to never talk to him again. and i just had to talk to someone, and your the first person i thought of." Did that really happen? I feel so bad.. I couldn't say anything, honestly, all i did was hug her. "Bri, don't worry, honestly, this is going to happen, your going to get your heart broken, but just think, thats just a step forward to finding the right person." 

She seemed to stop crying so i let go of her. "You okay?" I ask. "I think so..." she answered.


"Shannon?" I asked. "Yeah?" "Can i sleep at your house tonight?" "No problem, do you need clothes?" she asked me. "Yeah." "Okay, so we'll stop at your house, then head to mine."

We did exactly what she said, and went to my house to grab clothes. We then went to her house. 

"Shannon, i should go straight to bed, i just need this day to end.." "Ok, sweet dreams baby doll." She said then walked downstairs to let me sleep. 

(Next morning) 

I woke up to my phone buzzing on Shannons end table. I picked up the phone and heard Meghan on the other line.

M: Bri!

B:What do you need? I just woke up.

M: I need you to come to the hospital now!

B: Why?! Is it bad?

M: No! It's a miracle!

B: Alright! I'll be right over!

I hung up quickly, and went downstairs to tell Shannon i had to go.


I got to the hospital, and Meghan was waiting out side. "Hurry up and get over here!" She yelled to me. I ran over there, and she grabbed my wirst and practically dragged me into the hospital. 

We got to a room up on the 2nd level. We enetered one of the room. "Meghan, why am i here?" "Just come look." I go and look into the baby crib. I put my hand over my mouth, and little joyful tears were coming out of my eyes. i couldn't believe my eyes. "But i thought.." i said. "The doctors were wrong, and turns out she hasnt passed, shes alive and healthy, i told you it was a miracle.!" "Meghan, this is amazing! i can't believe it." I whispered. I just hugged her. 

Then i said "Meghan, can i hold her?" "Go ahead." she said. I carefully picked her up out of her crib, and the smile on her face made me so happy. "Hi baby Lucky." I say to her. she just smiles. 


Yay! 2 chapters in 1 day!(: Hope you guys enjoy, and there ya go Meghan. but, i will be starting a One Direction story when i'm finished with this story! So if you guys like One Direction, you should read it!(: love you all babbbyyyssss♥

Oh and i will be doing dedications, so if you want a chapter dedicated to you, all you have to do is comment what you like about the story, or what you think about the story, and i will pick one of you each chapter to dedicate it to!(: 

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