Chapter 9

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"I have a boyfriend." "What?! You have a boyfriend? Why wasn't i told?" "I didn't think you were going to kiss me! Im sorry!"

He started standing up and said. "I think i should go." That's the last thing he said, then went straight out the front door, leaving me to pay for our things. What a great guy?


Ugh, why did i kiss her? Im so stupid! I should've known someone as pretty as her had a boyfriend.. I hate myself.


I walked home, to see Meghan waiting for me at my front door. I looked at her confused. "Hey, why are you here?" I ask her. "Well, he told me to keep this a secret, cause he wanted to suprise you, but i couldn't hold it in!" She stopped there. "Okay.. What are you trying to say?" I say, trying to make her continue. "Adams coming out here until August!!" I was speechless, i was so happy he was coming out here, i havent seen him since i moved. And that day, was the most i ever cried.

Today, i was crying happy tears, and i managed to spit out "when's he coming?" "Tomorrow!" "Oh my god, i cant wait! This is going to be the best summer ever!" I've been with Adam for over 2 years now, and our anniversary, is actually this month, and now i get to spend it with him. What more could i ask for?

*Tomorrow morning*

I had to wake up early so i could look my best. I got in the shower, and washed my body and hair. I did everything i had to. I finally got dressed. I put on a white crop top that said 'stay weird' upside down, and put on a pair of black ripped high waisted shorts.

I went downstairs and ate some breakfast. "Hey mom." "Hi. What do you have planned that you are all dressed up for?" "How do you not know? The best boyfriend ever is coming here until August! Well i gotta go, me and Meghan are picking him up at the airport. Bye!" I say shoving a piece of toast in my mouth and heading out the door.

I walk over to Meghans house and knocked on her door. "Meghan get your butt out here! We gotta go!" I went to knock, but the door was opened before i got the chance. Meghans brother opened the door, and his eyes were red and puffy. "Caleb, are you okay?" "C-come in." he said. so i followed him inside, and Meghan and her whole family were sitting in the living room. i sit down next to Meghan when i realize everyones eyes were red and puffy. i was getting really worried now, and i was choking up, and some tears were falling from my eyes. "guys, whats going on?" i say a little bit louder. Meghan opens her mouth to talk and she can barely get anything out, but she finally says "It's L-Lux. sh-she d-died." Lux is her baby sister, shes 3 years old. she had to go right into surgery when she was born. She was like a sister to me. it killed me, that she wasnt here anymore. she was the most bubbly, crazy little kid. she was just plain adorable. "H-how." i managed to get out, my eyes were tearing up even more now. "Something went wrong in the surgery, and her heart beat just stopped, and they couldn't get her to breathe again.. " that hurt me... a lot. "Meghan i think you and everyone else here should be alone, like individual, get away from everyone, for a couple hours. if you guys are together, you'll get even more sad." They all nodded. "come on Meghan, we gotta go. we'll see you all later." I said, and me and Meghan headed out, and i wiped her tears and made sure that she stopped crying. i honestly didn't like seeing her like this. ever. i hate it.


we got to the airport, and Meghan finally stopped crying, but to be honest, she looked like a mess. "Meghan, lets go to the ladys room. i need to fix you up." I walked her to the bathroom, and i took out my make-up from my purse, and started putting foundation on, since her face was really red. "close your eyes." I tell her so i could put foundation on her eyes, so they're not so red. I finish doing that, then take out my concealer, to cover any imperfections. "Whats that?" she asks, as i take it out. "Concealer, i have to cover imperfections." She nodded and i put a small amount on her face. Next i pulled out my eye make-up, and drew a small line of liquid eyeliner on her eyelids. then applied mascara to the top and bottom lashes of her eyes. "okay, done. take a look. i just had to cover the redness from crying." "it looks amazing. thank you. not just for this, but being there for me. it means a lot." She says and then hugs me. "I will always be there for you Meghan, your my bestfriend. but we gotta go, so Adam doesnt think we skipped on him." she nodded and we walked out of the bathroom.

"Adam just texted me. he just got off the plane." Meghan said. "This is so amazing, im so glad he came out here." I say getting more and more excited by the minute.


I'm standing there, and i see him come out, but i'm pretty sure he doesnt see me yet. he doesnt have his bags yet, but he finally sees me, and i start walking towards him, and he puts his arms out. i run and jump into his arms. he spins me around. i kiss him, and he sets me down. "I can't believe your here." I say practically crying on his shoulder. "Why are you crying?" he asks me. "I'm just so happy your here." Then Meghan walked over to us awkwardly. "Meghan come here." I say opening my arms for a group hug. as soon as i did that, she came and hugged us.


Adam got his bags, and we were now heading to the hotel that he staying at. It was a walking distance from the airport, so that was good, since my house was too. His parents were walking behind us.

"Wait, so why did you guys come to New Jersey anyway?" I ask. "Vacation." he says. "But why didn't you go somewhere else, like whats so special about New Jersey?" "You're here." he says smiling. "Aweeee.." I say then kiss him.


we get to his hotel, and we stay there until his family signs in. "Adam, Vinny wants to hang out with me, you wanna come?" I ask. Me and Vinny had talked it out and he apologized, so i forgave him. "Sure! Lemme just ask." He says.

A couple minutes later he comes back and says "they said it was fine." I already knew that Meghans parents would be fine with it.

We walked to the park to where Vinny was sitting on a bench.

I walk up to him an give him a hug, so does Meghan. "Who's this?" He asks. "This is my boyfriend Adam. Adam this is Vinny." I say. They both do that guy handshake that all guys know appearantly.

We sit there for a minute and i didn't realize that my hand was angled so you could see my scars. I saw Adam looking at them in shock. he quickly says "uh i gotta go." and gets up and leaves. "Adam wait!" I yell after him, tears falling out of my eyes. he doesnt even hesitate to leave. Vinny quickly wraps his arms around me, and myself needing someones comfort, hugs him back. "It's okay. he shouldnt get mad at you just for that. he should be there, but just remember, that i'm here, whenever you need me." I just nod. 

he seperates us, so im looking at him. i turn my head away. he grabs my chin to make me look at him. "Look at me. Don't feel anything less, just because you cut. just remember, that your perfect, and no one should make you feel this way." we just stare awkwardly at each other for a couple minutes. he starts to lean in, and so do i. i dont want to, but i need someones comfort. 

"Bri, what are you doing?!" I turn to see Adam looking at both of us. "Adam, its not what it looks like!" "It looks like your were kissing him!" "Yes, i was doing that, but i needed someone! you just left, and made me feel like a piece of shit. he was there!" I said to him.

"Bri, just save it. were over, don't ever talk to me again. delete my number." Those were the last thing he said, then left me. forever.


Guys, i can't believe this, i'm almost at 1,000 reads! I didn't think this story would make it this far! Thanks so much for reading everyone! Dont forget to vote and comment. and also feel free to message me, if you want to!(: you could also tweet me! @_BriannaLaude 

Anyways! I love you all(: hope you enjoy!

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