Chapter 24

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We finally found an outfit that I could wear, but now Bri had to do my hair, and she insisted to do my make-up as well. “Did you tell Nick to meet you at the beach today?” Bri asked me. “Yeah, I did.- Ow.” I say as she semi-burns my ear. “Sorry. Why does he think he’s going there?” “He just thinks that were having a picnic thing.” I smile. I actually didn’t think we were still going to be together as of now. I’m actually quite surprised. I think it’s actually been a month? “Done.” She says as she finishes the last curl. It took about an hour, but it worked. “I love it!” I say as I play with the curls. (Picture on the side.) 

“I knew you would.” Bri smiles at me. “Now, we have to go to my house, so I could get ready.” “Yeah, yeah.” 


We finally get to Bri’s house and go up to her room. I sit on her bed as she goes through her closet looking for something to wear. She groans in frustration. “Can’t find anything?” I ask, laughing a little. “Could ya tell?” “Just a little bit.” 

“Finally!” She yells, and holds up an outfit to me. “What do you think?” It was a no sleeve, white shirt, that tied at the end, and had a collar. (Picture on side.) With teal shorts. “It looks cute.” I say seriously. “Can I borrow a shirt, because I’m not feeling this one.” I ask. “Of course. Go ahead and look through my closet.” She says while walking away and going into her bathroom.  

I push past shirt by shirt, until I finally come to one that would look good on me. I choose a dirty white shirt, that has these frill things. (Picture on side, because I don’t know how to describe it.) 


After I tell Meghan to go and look through my closet, I walk into my bathroom to grab my make-up and curling iron. Before I do anything, I wash my face. 

After that’s all done and over with, I walk out and walk over to my mirror. “I like the shirt on you.” I say to Meghan. It really does look good on her. As I’m doing my make-up I hear my phone go off, and I see that Shannon was trying to face-time me. “Shhh. Shut up shut up. Shannon’s trying to video chat!” I yell to Meghan who’s not even talking. She puts her hands up in surrender making the ugliest face ever. 

I slide the unlock button to answer the call. “SHANNON!” I scream as her face appears on my phone. “BRI!” She screams back. “MEGHAN!” I hear Meghan call in the background, and Shannon just laughs. “How’s New York?” I ask her. “Good. Great actually. I met someone actually.” “You haven’t forgotten Mikey have you?” I say seriously. “Definatly not. I could never forget him even if I tried.” “Good, so who is he? What’s his name? What’s he like?” I say asking a bunch of questions. “His name is Dallas, and he’s cool. He’s cute. And he just broke up with his girlfriend right in front of me. Oh yeah, and I got punched in the face and kicked out of an amusement park. , oh! And-” I stop her right there. “Hold on, hold on, back. Da. Fuq. Up. You got punched in the face and kicked out of an amusement park? What’s the whole story behind this?” I ask. “Well I met both of them on the plane ride there, and then I went to an amusement park, and her and her friends kind of just went right in front of me when I was waiting in line for a good hour. So then I said something to them about it, and they were talking about how they didn’t like my attitude, blah blah blah, then Dallas caught up with them, and then stuff happened and he broke up with his girlfriend, and her and all her friends thought that he broke up with her for me, so her friend punched me in the face, so I punched her back, and then a police guy, made all of us leave. So that’s the story.” She said almost out of breathe. “Okay, next time, breathe between sentences. And for some reason, I am not surprised. But I gotta go soon. I’m getting ready.” “For what?” “Nicks 16th birthday party that Meghan is throwing for him.” “They’re still together?” She says, shock in her voice. “I AM IN THE ROOM.” Meghan yells as she listens to our conversation. “Yeah. Haha. Well, I gotta go babe. Love you! Have fun in New York.” I say. “Bye babe. Love you too. Have fun in Jersey.” After I give a little wave, I click the end button.

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