Chapter 3

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I can't believe it. My bestfriend of all time, left when i was 5, is here. Right in front of me. I can't believe i found him. I'm in complete shock right now. ";Vinny! I can't believe it! I didn't know where you were for the longest time!" I say jumping into his arms as he catches me and spins me around while hes hugging me. "I know! I missed you so so much! Why'd you come here?" "Well, my mom and dad got a divorce so, we were told we had to move, so we moved here. I guess it's just a coincidence that your here too, but thats amazing!" I say wide eyed, "Alright, well, i gotta dance, see ya later."He says to me while walking away.

"How do you know Vinny?" Nick asks me. "He used to be my neighbor when i was like 5 years old, then he moved, and i was never told where, and i guess it was here. This just made my whole day, you have no idea." I say and he just nods. He walks away and Meghan speaks up. i totally forgot that she was even here. "I think Nick likes youuu." She says poking my arm. I roll my eyes at her and say "No he doesn't Meghan! stop."

"Okay, guys! I have to introduce you to some good friends, that just moved here. Girls, get up here." Vinny says trying to make us stand in front of everyone. I shake my head, because i don't like to be the center of attention. "Oh, come on." He says coming over and grabbing my wrist practically dragging me as i grab Meghans so i don't go up there alone. "Everyone, this is Brianna, she was a really close friend back home in New York." He says pointing to me. "Hi Brianna!" Everyone says except for Madison and Nick. I smiled at Nick. To be honest, i'm not really attracted to Madison, he seems... different. And not good different. He kinda comes out as.. sorta, awkward. I wave to everyone awkwardly. "And, this is Meghan. she was also a friend back home." "Hi Meghan!" "Wait.. wheres Mikey?" Vinny asks. "Whos Mikey?" I ask confused. "He dances here. And when.. if. he comes, he's probably gonna have his girlfriend with him. Her names Shannon." "Okay.." I say. Then i go sit back down on the side and just talk to Meghan.

"Hey guys, sorry i'm late." I turn to see a spiky haired boy walk through the door. I'm guessing that's Mikey? And there's his girlfriend. Shannon. She was pretty. Prettier than me thats for sure."Oh yeah Mikey, come here." Vinny says taking Mikeys wrist and bringing him over to me and Meghan. Mikey had a confused look on his face. "This is Brianna." Vinny says pointing to me. "And this is Meghan." He says pointing to Meghan. "Hi, nice to meet you." Mikey says shaking my hand. I don't like shaking peoples hands.. My hands are usually in my pockets which makes them sweaty, and then my hands are sweaty when i shake someones hand, and i feel like a scum. "nice to meet you too." I say kind of whispering. I'm not really that social.. Then he introduced us to Shannon. She comes forward, not so shy and says, "hi! I'm Shannon!" With a big smile on her face holding out her hand for me to shake it. "Hi Shannon.. I'm Brianna." We shake hands and she goes on to Meghan. The boys run off into the studio as me, Meghan, and Shannon are left sitting on the side. "Is it always like this?" I ask Shannon. "Always like what?" "You always have to sit on the side while they dance?" "Yup. Pretty much." I just nod my head and watch the boys dance. I had to admit, they were pretty amazing dancers .


About more than a half our passed, and Vinny comes up to me and asks, "hey, after rehearsal wanna go out for ice cream and catch up?" "That'd be great! When does your rehearsal end?" "In about 10 minutes." He responds. "Okay! Well i'll be right back, just let me go grab money!" "Okay!"

"Meghan, lets go." I say and grab her wrist. "Woah woah woah, watch the cuts! There still sore." She says. Whoops, forgot about that.. "Sorry!" I say and we run out of ICON, and start towards my house. "Meghan, i am super nervous right now.." I say. "Why? Vinnys your bestfriend. " "he was my bestfriend, i could've changed, he could've changed, what if im too wierd, or don't say the right things?" To be honest, i am completely worried right now. I'm shaking as i walk up to my house. I get in the house, and completely ignore my moms questions, and walking up to my room. I grab my hand bag and money. I also re-do my make up, since most of it came off through out the day. After that i realized my hair wasn't straight anymore. I am very strict about my hair. My friends hate it. But after that i walk downstairs with Meghan about to head out the door when i hear my moms voice "hey!" I turn around with an annoyed look on my face. "What?" I ask with annoyance in my voice. "Why didn't you say a word to me when you came in?" "For one, i didn't hear you." Obviously lying. "And im just worried, okay?" "What would you be worried about?" "Well, Vinnys here..." "Really?! Why would you be worried?!" "Mom you didn't let me finish. He's here and were going out for ice cream to catch up and i'm worried that maybe he's changed, or maybe i have. What if he doesn't like me anymore? I know hes a couple years older than i am but we haven't seen each other in like 9 years.." I'm breathing very heavily right now. Almost hypervenalating. "Honey, calm down. You'll hypervenalate. Everything will be fine. I'm pretty sure neither of you have changed... Well not in a bad way anyways...." I calm down and my breathing is back to normal. I break a smile to my mom. "Thanks mom. Well i gotta go before i'm late! Bye! Love you!!" "Love you too!"

Me and Meghan head out the door, and kind of speed walk to the dance studio. "I really hope this turns out okay..." "Don't worry Bri! It'll be fine! Trust me. Put a smile on your face, and don't let it leave." Meghan says with a big smile on her face. "Thanks Meghan." I say smiling the best i could trying to cover my nerves. We walk in and only Nick and Vinny were left. "You ready?" Vinny asks. "As ready as can be." I say with a smile still on my face. "Well, i'm still waiting on a text from Bi. Shes picking us up and taking us back to my house, then we'll walk to the ice cream place." I nod and say "i havent seen Bi in forever! Im kinda excited now!" He made a depressed face and i felt kinda bad before i realized he was kidding. "So you werent excited to go out for ice cream with me?" He said pouting his lip. I playfully slap his arm and say "oh, you know what i mean!" We both giggle a little. Then i realize that Meghan and Nick were still in the room.

"Nick, Meghan!" I say snapping them out of staring at each other. "Huh?" They both say looking at me and Vinny. We both just start laughing hystericaly. We are laughing so hard, we were literally on the floor laughing. "What!" Meghan says getting annoyed. I stand up trying to stop laughing. "Vinny, don't look at me, i'll just laugh nore." I say putting my hand up so i can't see him out of the corner of my eye. "Okay, now, tell us why you were laughing." Nick demanded. "Okay, well, me and Vinny were talking then we looked over and you guys were staring at eachother..." I say trying to hold back laughter. They both blushed and looked away from each other.

"Okay, why don't you two go hang out, just do something." I say pushing them out the door. "Don't have to much fun!" I yell as they walk out the door.


well, that was awkward. I don't remember staring at Nick. I mean i wouldnt mind. He is very very attractive. I look over at him, and hes just staring at the ground. "So, where are we going exactly?" I ask breaking the silence. "I'm not exactly sure...." He says smiling a little. I can"t help but smile when he does.


We've been walking for about a half hour now and i have no clue where we are going. But honestly, i dont even care. Nick is so sweet and down to earth. We were just talking about random things. I think i'm starting to develope little feelings for him. The next thing he says kinda shatters those feelings....

"Do you think Brianna likes me? Cause i think i might have feelings for her.."


A/N: Hey guys! OOOHHH Nick likes Brianna, but Meghan likes Nick... Uh oh.

But anyways! Haha. Anyywayyss. Shannon(; BUT i figured out a way to update faster! Im going to start writing the chapters on paper first, then update. So!! Im starting something where i update every tuesday.

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