My Mikaela

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A short chapter, I know, but written straight from my heart.

Can't thank my readers enough for their immense contribution to my book.

Its bloody 1.6 k views!!! Love to all and especially to Mikaela. This chapter is just an introduction to you. I hope you will enjoy it. Its just a brief glimpse... Next is more! My impatient fingers just wanted to click on publish so,just posted it.

Don't beat me up all of you in your pretty little heads pleaassseeee...

Louis's p.o.v.

Ignoring the almost popping eyes of my friends group, my impatient feet just ache to reach near her.

How will she look!? Off course immensely gorgeous you fool!

How will she behave? Perhaps ready with her hilarious sarcasm and jokes, you dumb! Don't you know her already, you dumb head!
Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers.... Enough of the X-men Dialogues.

But the main question is, how I'm supposed to know a girl whom I've proposed on my 60th Skype call, called 300 times and messaged... Ummm, I lost count before a week ago, I think. So the point is ...I've never met my girlfriend in person and I've already fallen in love with her.

"Stop that smile of yours Louis, its giving us creeps already." Liam commented behind my back quietly. I would have said something, something in my offense, but only if I can get her out of my mind.

Where the hell is she? She must be here unless she slept too late last night. My night owl, I chuckled at her cute pet name but not cuter than herself. Nowhere is the sight of her lovely face which I'm yearning to see. Who might have thought that I , Louis, a guy who has so religiously took an oath of being single for a long while, will fall badly for a girl who he just befriended on Twitter randomly. Nobody can believe, really! count me on the list. As I spot a purple lock of hair partly visible behind Diana, before when she didn't block my view, my heartbeat quickens. I give her a friendly smile approaching my girl seated behind her.

"Excuse me..." I tell her, already grasping her intentions. No hell way Diana! Nada, no chance, I already love someone, someone who doesn't need to pout in a sensual manner to make her attractive. She's lot more...

She's offended at first but than she steps aside and I take a nervous step ahead, wondering if I'm looking alright. You know I've done my best today, just ask the other lads they will tell.

Than automatically, a small chuckle leave my lips, she's the definition of clumsy. Leaning back in a wooden chair, her left leg seated on a big piano, earphones plugged in her white mobile and her silky purple hair cascading down her back in a beautiful style. Eyes closed, black framed spectacles in other free hand. Her soft crimson lips humming a song, probably of Melanie Martinez. I take deep breath gawking at every inch of her gorgeous tan face. She's perhaps resting after a long exhaustive session of dancing.

I sigh in profound relief...My gorgeous, smart and silly Mikaela....

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