I am a Stalker...

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Sometimes by chance we often cross path with someone whom we ought to remember till the last breath.

Olivia's P.O.V.

"I don't understand why in the world you always manage to embarrass me...and no! Not in front of some ordinary guy but a stud-type... Whyyy!!"
I asked my so-called best friend Stephanie who is so sweet....aww... ( note my sarcasm), that she never failes to amaze me. I saw that caramel eyes guy who sat earlier beside me hiding his amusement when Stephanie called me a nerd. I knew he was staring on this poor weird Olivia,who in the world brings a book instead of a boyfriend in Starbucks?? (The strange me).

"Woah!! You met a a guy!" She wondered loud enough to make several people turn their heads. She is so stupid sometimes..all the times..
every time...she is just soooo stupid.

"Who wants a window shoppingggg?" I sang the last part with a huge grin,changing the ridiculous topic of me getting involved in some kinda crush-like stuff. Impossible! I'm not going to think about anyone besides Mark, his name alone brings a sad smile on my face,I can never forget this guy... And...will never.

"No! Seriously.... you like a guy!!"  She asked shocked by my behavior. No dear Sherlock, I'm a girl ,obviously I will like a guy. But not this guy...only Mark ...Mark and just Mark.

"Who want some more neons in her wardrobe?" I asked her purposely. She had a strange addiction to neon color,although I don't get why? She wants everything in some neon shade, I even suggested her to paint her whole face in neon pink and you know what?This silly girl even accepted my proposal. Lolll.....

"Yeyyyiii...let's get going silly girl" She cheered loudly. Huff, thank God.

After several hours of just roaming, eating and shopping, I literally had to drag Stephanie from her own world of crop tops, palazzo, beanies and blah blah.......... Telling you, she is a handful.

Bidding her a quick goodbye I made my way to my apartment. Wait! I feel like I'm forgetting something really really important, but what it is? think Olivia think. I always ask myself this question because my friends very well know how I look young, behave even more younger, but has a memory of an old age fellow. I forget even obvious things (except for breathing off course).Anyways... as I was walking to my apartment building I felt a battle of mouses inside my stomach, it growled like anything, damn...I'm hungry and now what more? I don't have groceries... Great! Oh yes Groceries!! I forgot my grocery shopping... Shit!!...shit! I raced to my nearest grocery shop.

While walking down the streets I sang the same off tune 'live while we're young'. Yeah, I know Stephanie scolded me just now for ruining the 'image' of her favorite band of some boys...what was it? Harry...Harry Potter.. No! 'Style Harry' - I think was the name of her favorite member of that unknown band. But I don't care singing while I'm enjoying myself.
I quicken my pace as soon as I realize that someone is following me,must be a stalker. Instead of running, I decided to turn around and what I saw made me doubt myself.

The same guy whom I met today at the restaurant, but now I can look at him properly. Is he for real! With his long eyelashes and a superb quiff he is surely a God! A Greek one...Is he a supermodel or a rock star with that perfect height ...and those piercing tattoos... And that tan skin. Hold on ...the main question is why is he following me?

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