Chapter 41: Proposal

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"Basil, you have become quite the cook." He chuckles.

"Only with guidance from you and your mother," I take another bite of my sandwich while admiring the majesty of our surroundings, "We could not have chosen better."

"Yeah. It was a great idea, Basil," I look up at the sky. It's bright blue and clear. 

 "There's a small trail here. Would you like to go for a little walk?" I nod and we finish and clean everything up, stowing our lunch and snacks in the cooler in the scion. Basil offers my jacket. 

"I'll be fine, Basil. Even if it rains, it won't rain very hard." 

"Please?" I sigh and shrug, allowing him to help me into it. He pecks an adorable kiss on my cheek and squeezes my hands with his. 

"You sure you're okay, Basil?" I inquire as I examine his expression. He seems quite anxious. 

"I'm fine. Don't worry, Zipporah. Shall we go?" We lock the car and I link my arm through his as we trek towards the trail head. The way he keeps a hold of me, a little tighter than usual, and how his eyes are coated with an eager glow, make me blush. He doesn't usually act so adorably. Of course we haven't exactly been alone alone in a while, that's probably why.

"I have yet to see a more pristine lake. Every time I see it, I'm amazed."

"We have a lake very similar to this in Eldstein. When I was a boy I would often visit with my Mom."

I muse, "I could see you happily settled in a waterside lake-house, peaceful and quiet. I love Lake Crescent because it's a perfect combo."

"Yes. It's very relaxing to escape the world. Here we don't have to worry about eyes and ears," Basil leans down and I meet him midway for a deep kiss. Still, I sense that there's something on his mind. I remember that he went to R.I. yesterday, and write it off as stress from what's going on back in Eldstein. I peck him on the lips and grasp his hand while pulling him along down the trail. We share several kisses and take many photos and selfies along the way. I plainly ignore the sky, being accustomed to gray clouds, but Basil is obviously bothered by the suddenly dark sky, "Zipporah, we should head back." 

"A little rain won't hurt us." I chirp. Snapping my camera to capture a few more photos leaves me vulnerable to him. Basil comes up behind and wraps himself around me. I blush and lean in to him instinctively. 

"You're shivering because of the lake breeze. Rain won't help." He whispers in my ear. I debate whether to agree or disagree for a moment. There's a really pretty site just up ahead.., but Basil does have a point. I lower the camera as a raindrop clinks against it.

"We can come back and finish the trail another time. I guess it wouldn't be a very good idea to get too chilled and wet." Basil squeezes me closer and then releases- as if relieved. I pack up the camera and we reverse directions. This time around he takes my hand in his and pulls me very close to him.

Out of nowhere hard rain hits about halfway back, worse with wind. Our pace quickens as we try to get back to the car before we're soaked through. By the time we reach the parking area it's letting up again, barely a mist. I reach into Basil's coat pocket for the keys as we near the scion. Basil tries to beat me to it, but I'm already fishing for them. My fingers grip the cool metal and I pull the keys out, knocking against a small velvety object with my knuckles in the process. We both freeze. 

"Basil, what... is that..." I question. He pulls out a wine red box and gets down on one knee on the wet, gravelly pavement. He opens the box but I can't see the ring. We lock eyes. 

"I love you. I don't want to live without the warmth and love you bring each day. I am eternally grateful to have met you and I can't envision the future without you. Zipporah Sophie Roux, will you marry me?" I smile tearfully and nod. 

"Yes. I will," I reply. Basil takes my left hand and gently puts a silver band with one princess cut rich red ruby on my ring finger. I've never felt my heart swell in warmth so much before. He kisses my hand very affectionately and then stands up, bringing me into a strong embrace. I hug him very tightly, noises of ecstasy escaping both of us, "I love you so much, Basil!" My words are muffled since I'm buried in his chest. Instead of replying Basil pulls back enough to plant a powerful kiss on my lips. Needless to say, we both forget the rain and the cold. 

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