Chapter 21: Cold {Fritzi}

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I hiss, tearing off the bag from Zipporah's head and tossing it to the ground. She coughs and shakes her head, wriggling to free herself from the iron clamp-grips of my two minions who are holding her by the arms, "I believe I told you not to continue with Basil, Miss Roux!" 

"It came down to a matter of mind or heart. In the end, after a month of heartbreak, I chose him." Zipporah replies calmly. I snap my fingers and the two men tighten their hold on her. 

"You made him end the contract! He stormed into the palace and called the family together. I thought it would be to finally announce our official courtship, but he ended up calling everything off. His family actually agreed to it too! Can you imagine how much shame this brings on everyone! He left me, someone of standing and position, for a nobody like you because of petty emotions!" 

"We're both risking a lot, and we both know it! I am risking the safety and security of my loved ones because I genuinely care for Basil and he has proven that he does not harbor faint feelings. He made the first move. I would have stayed away if he hadn't come to me! This isn't easy for either of us!" She growls, taking me aback. Her eyes, despite the low light, are fiery. I bite my lip and clench my fists. 

"You moved on him!" 

"Yes, I did. I did because that is what felt right at the moment. I'm surprised I did it! I wasn't planning on kissing him like that!" 

"But you did! This is reason enough to eliminate you and reclaim Basil. He's contaminating himself by associating with you let alone kissing you." 

"That depends on point of view. I would not kiss him or go out with him if he did not express any desire to, and he is not motivated by lust or vengeance." I had not thought she would be so bold. I grab her shoulders, sinking my manicured nails into her flesh. 

"I have nothing else but Basil and what that future holds! My whole life has been based on marrying him and joining our two worlds! You are stripping it away in ignorance!" 

"Hardly." That one word does it for me. I have the guards rip off her coat and then drag her to the bank of the lake, which I know is freezing. 

"That is it, Miss Roux. I've had it. I will marry Basil and you will disappear. I'll make sure your family gets what they deserve." I croon wickedly. Zipporah glares at me, piercing me through and through. I've never seen such a deadly, evil expression, and it is positively terrifying. I shiver but motion for the minions to toss her into the water. 

"You're pathetic, Fritzi. A coward." She spits just as they hurl her out into the lake. I turn around and grab her coat as I hear a satisfying splash. 

"Let's go." I say and we hurry to a hidden van. 

Cliffhanger! Dedicated to HerImperialMajesty99


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