Chapter 24: Felicie {Basil}

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In seconds Mom walks into the room and I stand up straight, bowing in greeting. Zipporah leans forward, bowing her head in respect. Mom waves for the guards to wait outside and smiles warmly while performing a delicate curtsy, "Hallo, Mother."

"Hallo. How are you, Zipporah?" She asks, approaching Zipporah's other side.

"I am doing well, Queen Felicie."

"She's very lucky." I add. Mom nods and chuckles.

"Zipporah, there is no need to call me 'Queen'. So please just call me Felicie."

"Alright, Felicie." Mom nods approvingly. I frown. She didn't have to come, shouldn't have. She looks so sickly and pale.

"You shouldn't have come. You need to be resting at home." I chide. Mom brushes my remark away.

"Nonsense, Basil. Besides, I wanted to bring you this," She hands me a heavy backpack, "Necessities."

"Dankeschön, Mutti."

"Bitteschön. Now, Zipporah, what exactly happened last night?" Zipporah inhales deeply before relaying all of the details. Mom sits down on the edge of the bed, listening intently. Once Zipporah is finished she tsks, "I am not surprised. It is unfortunate that she has chosen this path, but it is her life."

"Do Grandfather Octavian and Uncle Helmut know?"

"Yes. Everyone in the family does, but," She sighs bitterly, "Helmut disappeared too, likely with Fritzi." I scowl in disgust.

"I'm sorry. I'm causing conflict for your family." Zipporah confesses, eyes lowered. I squeeze her hand and stroke her smooth, soft skin.

"Don't give yourself the credit. All you've done is scratch our family's surface enough to expose the corruption. It isn't you. It's our family. Nothing is your fault." I stare at Mom, reveling in her wise words.

"Yes. There's nothing to apologize for. So don't apologize for what my family does." Mom nods in agreement. Zipporah shrinks back.


"Now I have to return to the Palace before the press has a field day. They're never going to stop covering me and my ailing health. At least it will cover up you two for the time being."

"Yes, Mom. Go home and rest." I reinforce. I hug her tightly and then she turns to Zipporah, taking her into her arms.

"My son is lucky to have you. Recover quickly and know that I'm here when you need me. Basil will give you my contact information."

"I'm lucky to have him. Thank you, Felicie." Mom grins and waves, leaving the room promptly. I smile at Zipporah.

"Your mom is very sweet and warm."

"I know. It's unfair that she has to endure this illness."

"Life just has to be tough, doesn't it." I hug Zipporah, snuggling her head underneath my chin.


Please comment and vote! Thanks! By the way, please go check out me_Tehreem , she's super awesome! This chapter is thus dedicated to her!


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