Chapter 14: Refuse {Basil}

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I walk into the lounge, heart soaring until I see Fritzi sitting with her legs crossed and a sour expression marring her face. I retain my smile, "What's wrong, Fritzi?"

"This is the third time, Basil! Do you not care about me?" She cries out.

"Is it so important to you that I attend you 24/7?" I politely inquire, placing my hands in my pockets. She clenches her fists and groans.

"Yes it is, Basil. We're supposed to be together! I'm trying to obey my father and yet you... you do the opposite!! Why?!"

"I have no memory of us being 'together' together, cousin."


"So, that means we're not a couple yet." And I don't intend for us to be one, ever. I straighten and she yanks upward to her feet, swaying in her stilettos. Fritzi crosses her arms and huffs.

"We're as good as one, Basil. We both committed and now what, you're having second thoughts?"

"Fritzi, we are not a couple and that is final," I state, ending the argument, "I will head back home if you don't mind."

"Go ahead." She dismisses. Just to calm her down I hug her very loosely and plant a friendly kiss on her forehead before grabbing my stuff and exiting.

I drive to the Palace and speedwalk to my parent's bedroom where I know I'll find my Mom. I knock eagerly, "Who is it?" I frown. She sounds so weak.


"Come in." She beckons, her voice bright. I step in and shut the door behind me before walking to her bedside. She smiles warmly and reaches out for me. I embrace her and kiss her cheeks.

"Mom, I have something I must tell you."

"Go on."

"Remember the young woman I told you about?"

"How could I? You remind me every night! Zipporah, right? The expat from America?"

"Yes, her! Mom, I finally told her about my feelings this afternoon. What's better is that she reciprocates them! We're dating now and I've never felt so lightheaded from joy." She hugs me fiercely, squealing like about schoolgirl.

"I'm so happy for you, Basil! When do I meet her?" My smile fades as I remember how sticky the situation is.

"I don't know quite yet. We're keeping it quiet until things are worked out with Fritzi," I moan, "Fritzi, Fritzi, Fritzi... she's onto me or will be and I swear she is like a ravenous wolf when it comes to me."

"Ravenous wolf? Oh, it could not be that bad," I shoot her a look and she frowns, "Maybe it is."

"Please tell me you'll keep this from Father and the others?"

"My lips are sealed, Basil. No peeps shall come from me."

"Thank you!" I cheer. Now to figure out how to settle things. I don't want Zipporah to worry.

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