Real Wisdom

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"Life is one big game, Anna. Those that fail at the game, come to Neverland where I teach them a new one." Pan walked about the hill in front of a lake, the swords in his hands. "You see, it's not easier."
        "Then...what makes the two games different?" Anne asked. Pan had a dark smile playing on his lips.
        "Mine teaches more."

Intrigued by Pan's words, Anne questioned his belief some more. "How so?" 
        "Take this crossbow," he ordered her, offering the weapon. She took it. "Now, aim for my body. Then shoot."
        "Where?" Anne asked, adjusting the crossbow in her arms.
        "Surprise me," he said with his arms out.
        "Uhm...are you sure?" She asked, slightly cautious and unsure of whether or not it was her fake lost girl side talking or her real self talking.
        "Don't underestimate me, little Anna. Something you should know..." he leaned in, "I'm quite quick." Then he drew his head back out, a sure grin on his lips.
        "Well...if you say so," she said, acting like that worried lost girl, now, when the truth was...she knew all too well how quick Peter Pan was and was not afraid, but entranced. She then lifted her elbows, pretending she was holding her own crossbow. Back at the hideout, she had ignorantly left her bag and weapon--but Peter was so distracting and she had no chance to grab her things.

But she focused on Pan's heart with his arrow and worked with every piece of his crossbow, then in her head, she counted to three--releasing the arrow on two from being too excited. Pan's hand caught the arrow just before the point went into his body.

Even though Anne expected this, her eyes widened to finally see his quickness rather than read about it. He still held that grin then rested his arm to his side. "See that? That's instinct...pure and keen instinct. You've got the hands for this, I've noticed. Don't flatter yourself too much though. I observe all my boys I take to Neverland and just because you're a girl doesn't mean I treat you any different."

Anne understood. "Life back in Storybrooke doesn't teach you that now does it?" Anne merely protested, but only slightly.
        "Not that I recall but I may just not be thinking about it right now." Pan tilted his head with tiny specks of confusion clouding his train of thought.
        "Tell me Anne, when you grow up, do you slow down or get faster?" Anne thought about this and remembered that growing up only slowed you down from how she looked at Lily and the village witches.
        "I's slows you down," she admitted.
        "And what happens in Storybrooke?" He asked.
        "You grow up?" She asked, hopeful. Witnessing Pan release a wild grin sent off the message that Anne was right. "But...when you slow become wiser," she defended the elders back home. 
        "That certain wisdom only makes someone miserable," Pan spoke. Anne, still interested in his theories, urged another question.
        "With knowledge, you don't take don't live."
        "So you're saying, you and the lost boys lack knowledge?" Anne asked in disbelief.
        "Not at all. We're smart, but on we do dangerous things, we live. Do we not? If so then why'd you want to come to Neverland? Weren't you trying to free yourself?"
        "Well yes...but..." Anne was almost speechless. Pan had points and if she were to continue toying with him, she had to keep acting like she came to Neverland to be free.
        "But...the kind of wisdom the elders of Storybrooke have make them miserable...not free. And being're free, like you want." Pan was smiling at this. Anne understood all that he was saying too well but he had the wrong idea of wisdom to her. "Let me show you what real wisdom is," he suddenly spoke then went over and picked up Anne's small and smooth hands. The bottoms of the those hands facing his eyes, he gripped them gently and ran his thumbs over her palms, admiring her skin. "This is youth you have," Pan looked up, "and power." Anne thought more about what he was saying in her head and understood. "It's wise to keep both you know." He looked down again. "Power helps you live...and youth is...beautiful," while finishing this, he had looked up again.

Anne's mouth fell open a little. Did Peter just call her hands beautiful? Quickly, he let go and walked back over to where he stood previously.

"That should be enough for tonight," He said and started walking back towards where he came with her. Anne stared at the moon over the mountains that were across the lake a moment and thought about everything they had talked about.

~And so mind blown was she when she returned to the hideout that night. 

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