Chapter 9, Meet The Parents

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Chapter 9

Stepping out the front door, Cody immediately slithered his arm around my waist, a low growl escaping his lips as his fingers massaged against my hip.

Standing on the veranda, I didn’t even expect everyone to be standing outside waiting as the crowd cheered for their Alpha, Cody’s other hand going up to wave at everyone.

I felt as Charlie nudged past, waggling his eyebrows suggestively as he quickly sniffed the air, laughing as he walked off.

Stomping my foot, Cody squeezed me tighter to him, obviously trying to persuade me from causing a scene and attacking his Beta in front of his pack, like that would have been a sight to see. 

Stepping up to the pedestal, placed carefully not too far from the front door; Cody still held me close as I began to absorb the number of eyes staring at me curious, no sign of hate filtering through them.

‘Good morning members of the Woodstock Pack; we are gathered here today to introduce the new Luna of the pack, Vera Thurmont!  Now I know Vera was a rogue only days ago but I expect everyone to treat her with respect, for she is my mate and I will not take kindly to anyone disrespecting her’.

The crowd went into applause, their cheer echoing through the trees; their excitement seeming a little overwhelming to me as I wanted to take a step back, but unable to as Cody held me close.

‘How did you find out my family name’?

Cody’s eyes landed on me for a second as he quickly went back to the crowd; ‘my father’s a keen historian, he traced your family for me’.

As the crowd eventually quieted Cody then announced we were to have a feast to celebrate as she-wolves brought plates of food forward, filled with some of the most delicious food I didn’t even know existed.

Stepping down from the veranda, Cody didn’t dare let go, dragging me along, enjoying every second he was allowed to touch me not that my wolf complained.

Cody’s chin nuzzled against my forehead as he whispered softly to me, walking over towards a small group of guys that seemed to be signalling him over.

‘If only you could be this willing every day, you’d already be mine Vera’.

Stopping in front of the wolves, I immediately sensed the bad news they were bearing as one stepped forward, his face looking solemn.

‘There are two rogues travelling up north on our borders, would you like us to intercept Alpha’?

Cody seemed to sigh, obviously getting annoyed all his pack couldn’t be here to enjoy the celebrations.

‘Yes, I suppose that’s best; hurry back though, I wouldn’t want my best fighters to miss the feast’.

Nodding the four wolves took off, shifting as they reached the edge of the crowd, darting off into the trees. 

Looking at where they had been, I saw Gerald quickly step out from the crowd winking in my direction as he smirked, something clearly being amusing to him.

Just as soon as he had been there, he had moved on in the crowd, his face never leaving my mind; there was definitely something off about that wolf, he seemed to find amusement in anything that ruined Cody’s plans.

Looking up at where we were going, Cody soon stopped us in front of a group of girls; around my age, they chuckled and whispered naughty thoughts I wish I had never heard as Cody greeted them politely.


Chuckling, the tall blonde stepped forward, her eyes trained on me as I sensed a feel of jealously making me smirk and stare at her.

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