Chapter 40

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I've been waiting for freaking ever for this old hag to wake up. I'm really tired and hungry. And I'm holding the dagger just in case. A couple minutes pass and out of no where Elijah gasps loudly for breath. I jump in fright. I run over to groaning Elijah. "Elijah Elijah?" I whisper as he groans and gasps. "Kayleana" I hear him whisper.

Flash back.
"Good evening Trefor I am pleased you could join us." Elijah says. "I could not miss the birthday celebration." Trefor says. "No considering the gift you claim to bear. Where are these mystery girls of which you speak?" Elijah asks. "Right this way." Trefor leads Elijah to two girls talking to someone. "My dears." Trefor says. The girls turn around. "Hello." they both say with an accent. Elijah continues to stare at them weirdly. "Forgive me. You both remind me of these two other girls." Elijah says. "Kayleana and Katerina may I introduce the lord Elijah." Trefor says. "Pleasure my lord." Katerina holds her hand out and bows. Then Kayleana. (Kay-Le-an-na) "The pleasure is mine. Kayleana and Katerina." Elijah says.
END of Flashback.

He looks at me then his head Falls. Suddenly Elijah rolls over bones cracking. He gets up. "I can't. I can't breath!" Elijah says. "What's happened to me?!" Elijah asks. I don't fucking know! He tries to zooms away but stops. I run over to him. "I can't. I can't be in this house!" Elijah breaths. "Fuck. He's not I invited in!" I say to Elena. "You need to get me out of here." he says. He zooms away but stops. I run upstairs with the dagger.

I see the front door open with him kneeled on the ground. He looks at me. He zooms to get at me but the barrier stops him. "What happened?!" Elijah asks. "Shh!" I point upstairs. "I'll tell you but not here!" I whisper. Wait it's already morning?! "Can I trust you?" I ask him. "Can I trust you?" He asks me. Shit. Elena daggered him not me. I look around then sigh. I hold out the dagger. He takes it from me.
I park the car with Elijah and Elena inside. I thought it would be best to bring Elena because I actually have no clue. But she agreed with me on the whole I took the dagger out of Elijah because I don't want Bonnie to die trying to kill Klaus thing. I look to Elijah sitting next to me drinking a blood bag. "You look better." Elena says. "Where did you get the dagger?" Elijah asks us. "Well tell you everything." I say. "But we have to work together." Elena adds.

"We need your word." Elena and I say. "Both of your abilities to make demands has long passed." Elijah says. "No demands." I say. "Were just offering you our help. In return we want yours." Elena says. I would've said we'd like yours. "And why should I even consider this?" Elijah asks. Bitch we gave you the dagger! "The same reason that you haven't killed us." Elena says. "You need our help to kill Klaus. And we need you." I say. Actually Emma he probably doesn't need our help. Elena's phone vibrates.

She says a couple things. "No Stefan Elijah, Emma and I need some time alone." Elena says. I snatch the phone away from Elena. "Elijah is a noble man Stefan. He lives by a code of honor. We can trust him. He knows that we'd be incredibly stupid to betray him again. By removing the dagger I have proven myself." I say and tap the wheel of the car. "You can't do this alone." Stefan says. "I don't really care what you think. Bye bye." I smirk and hang up on him.

Elijah looks at me then holds out his hand. I place it in his hand no hesitation I really don't want Damon or Stefan calling again. He keeps his hand held out. I grab my phone from my bra and place it in his hand. I smirk and by the corner of my eyes I can see Elena making a face. What?
"He's here." I say. "Klaus is here?" he asks. I face him. "He's taken over Alaric's body." Elena says. "Of course he has." Elijah says like its a normal thing. "One of his favorite tricks." he says. "Well what are his other tricks?" I ask. "What is he gonna do next? You're the only one who knows him." Elena says. "Yes I do." Elijah says.

"So where is this mysterious host we've heard so much about?" Kayleana asks. "Fashionably late. He likes to make an entrance." Elijah says. They stop walking. "There he is." Elijah points to a gentlemen who's walking past people Kayleana eyes him with curiosity. Kayleana looks to Katerina and sees she is eyeing at the man. Kayleana sighs quietly. Her sister has already called him. Maybe once she can break the sister rule. The mans eyes land on Kayleana. "Katerina Kayleana may I introduce you the lord Niklaus." Elijah says. Both girls bow. Niklaus kisses Katerina's hand then Kayleana's. "Niklaus is the name my father gave me please. Call me Klaus." Niklaus says.
End of flashback
We ring the door to the Lockwood's. "Elijah. Girls. What are you doing here?" Carol answers. "I've had a bit of an incident Carol. I'm hoping you could help." Elijah says. "Well I'm on my way to a meeting so." Carol starts. "I won't take but a minute of your time." Elijah says looking into Carols eyes. "Of course anything you need." Carol smiles and Elijah walks in. You think for a founding family she would have vervain in her system. "Well first things first I'm going to need a change of clothing." Elijah says as Elena and I walk in.

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