Chapter 33

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-Guys I'm sorry I haven't updated. I was editing the first season of this book. But now I'm done. So YAY WE CAN GET BACK ON TRACK!!-
I woke up super early I'm going to the doctors. Why did I decide this? Because I keep getting heat aches and chest pains. So I'm going to the doctors to figure it out.
Everything's done I'm waiting for the nurse/doctor to tell me what's wrong with me. I'm on my phone. Elena texts me. Ignore. Caroline texts me. Ignore. Damon no texts. What a boyfriend. And no one else. I'm a loner. The doctor comes into this room I'm waiting in. I sit up and put my phone down. "Hey did you have you guys figured out what's wrong? Am I just being paranoid and its nothing. Or is it something?" I ramble on. "Sorry." I say. "Well there's good new and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?" The doctor asks.

"The bad news." I say. I'm a tough girl I can handle it. "Alright. Emma remember when you had the swelling in your brain?" The doctors ask. "Yeah but it cleared up and went away." I say and nod. "Well it might've seemed like that. The blood that was trapped in your brain remaining from the swelling dried up." she pauses. I nod not understanding where she's going. "The dried up blood caused you to get a black tumor." the doctor says. I narrow my eyes at her. "Tumor? As in?" I ask not knowing what she's saying. "Emma. You have stage 2 terminal cancer." the doctor says. I gasp. Bitch what

"Where just in my brain or what?" I ask and my eyes get watery. "Well they started in your brain. The tumors have a mind of their own. They've moved down your body." she pauses. "Where are they now?" I ask. "Somewhere in your upper chest." she responds. "What exactly how?" I ask. "The black tumors created from the dried up blood are wiping your healthy good cells. Creating bad cells." she says and I nod. "Can you stop it?" I ask. That's why when Bonnie was healing me I kept seeing black. Even herself she wasn't sure it would work.

"Since its in your brain and upper chestal area there's unfortunately nothing we can do. However if you start taking the therapy and everything it could maybe push back how long you have." she says. "And how long is that exactly. If I do the therapy and cures." I ask. "Maybe. A year. Still not 100% sure." she says. "And without everything?" I ask. "Months." she says. I frown. Well fuck. "How long would the things take and when would be the soonest you could start them?" I ask. "At least a month. We don't have any openings at the moment." I sigh. That's to long who knows what could happen.

"Do you guys have any medicine I could use or anything like that?" I ask. "Yes we will give you three pill bottles and you'll have to take 1 of each two times a day. Starting when you get them." she pauses. "And some pain medication to ease the pain." she adds. "What happens if I don't take them right away?" I ask. "Your body will become weak." she says. I nod and she leaves.
I have cancer. Not one you can treat either.
She gave me my meds. She told me to set a timer on my phone to when I need to take the meds. Then I went home. Then Elena wanted to go to Stefan's. Yay! Not.
So currently I'm with Elena and were at the Salvatore's. Elena needed to talk to Stefan obviously and we went to check up on Rose. She got bit by a wolf that Damon pissed off. You know typical night. "How is it?" Rose asks. We walk into the living room to see Rose with an awful looking bite. "Definitely better... Right twins?" Damon looks over at us. Elena stares at it. Rose turns slightly. "Um its not bad." Elena lies. "Where's Stefan?" Damon asks. "He left I need you to talk to him." Elena starts. "He's convinced that he has to find Isobel. But we think that's going to upset Elijah." I finish off.

"No can do. I'm with Stefan on this one." Damon says. "But if you could play nurse for a little while." Damon walks over to me. "That's not necessary." Rose says. "It is necessary." Damon says. Elena gives me a look saying 'i have shit to do can you do it?' I give her a look saying 'i don't wanna babysit a 500 year old poisoned vampire.' She rolls her eyes indicating that I have to do it. Elena talks to Damon and I stand there looking at Rose. I give her a sad smile. Mainly for her but kinda for me. My eyes are red and puffy.
"I hate this. I'm a vampire I haven't had a cold in 5 centuries." Rose says. I bring her into Damon's room. I set her cup of blood on the bedside table. "Just get in bed." I say. "We don't get sick. When we die its fast and sudden. And its certainly not drawn out with an illness." She says and gets in his covers. "You're not gonna die." I say trying to be nice to her. "Such a human thing to say." Rose says. No shit maybe its because I'm a human. I look around Damon's room. I love his bathroom.

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