Chapter 29

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I wake up and freak out. Once I've adjusted my eyesight I'm on the couch and some guy sets Elena down. He throws off his hat and sunglasses. So basically he kidnapped us and he looks like he's hiding from someone. Elena wakes up beside me. "Please I'm hurt." Elena begs as he finishes untying her. He unties me. I look over at Elena and the pool of blood on her sleeve. That's from whenever it was from. "I know." The guy says and shows his fangs.

"Just a little taste." He says leaning toward her. Elena screams while I'm about to shove him when a woman with short hair stops him "control yourself Trevor." She says with a little English accent. I'm not feeling so good. I haven't ate in a while. And I didn't fully heal. I look over at the woman. Quite pretty I like her short hair. Trevor sighs and gets up. "Buzz kill." He says and walks out of the room. "My god you both look just like her." She says.

"But we aren't her! So please-" Elena starts. I suddenly feel dizzy. The woman shuts her up by snapping at her. Elena and I get up. "Neither of us are Katherine. I'm Elena-" that's when I feel unconscious and I fall to the ground. As I fall I hear my name.
"Jesus christ Elena wake up! Are you dead?" I shake Elena. I woke up about like a minute ago. She wakes up and groans. "Shh they can hear us!" I say and point to the other room. I haven't gotten up yet because I'm still kinda weak. Elena gets up and drags me up with her. Do we have to! "How are the girls?" The woman asks from the other room. Wait she's a kidnapper isn't she like not suppose to be worrying about us. "Both of them are passed out on the couch." Trevor says. Wrong. Elena leads us closer to them so we can hear better.

"You know that one in the dress is very pretty. Maybe I could-" Trevor starts. "Knock it off. They are to be untouched!" The lady yells. I shiver at the thought of that ugh Trevor on me. Elena looks over at me. "If I hurt her we could just heal her." Trevor pauses. The woman shoots him a look. I do not want to take the risk of having vampire blood in my system. And why would they want to heal us. Aren't they kidnappers. Isn't there suppose to be like violent stuff. Not that I'm complaining. "Did you call Elijah?" He asks. What name is Elijah.

Probably for an old guy. "You know how this works, Trevor. I call one of his contacts." The woman says. I really want to know her name. It's disrespectful to keep calling her woman or lady. I look over at Elena. Who is Elijah that you can't directly speak to him. "Did you or did you not leave a message for Elijah?" Trevor asks. "That's it Trevor. He either got it or didn't." The woman responds. He's super annoying I'd literally punch him. "It's not to late. We could leave them here." He pauses. Oh wow. "We don't have to go through with this!" Trevor says sounding very nervous.

Who ever Elijah is they're obviously scared of him. "I'm sick of running!" The woman yells. "Yeah well running keeps us alive." Trevor responds. "Elijah is old school. If he accepts our deal then that's it. We're free." As soon as she finishes talking Elena steps and the floor board creaks under her. Dang it. The woman snaps her head to us. "You two." She snaps. She comes over to us. "There is nothing around this house for miles. If you think you're getting out of here. You're wrong! Understand." She says. It's not like we were planning an escape or anything.

Actually we were. Or I was. "Drink you need it." The woman bites into her wrist. Ew no I don't. I make an ew face. She rolls her eyes and shoves her wrist into my mouth. Okay that sounded weird. After she pulls back I look at her. "Who's Elijah?" I ask. What you thought I was going to say Thank you. Yeah no. "You're worst nightmare." With that she walks away into the other room. I look over at Elena who looks like she's about to start trebling with fear. I give her a small little smile assuring her that everything's gonna be okay.

We follow the woman to the other room. Seriously a name would be nice. "Why are we here?" I ask. "You keep asking me these questions like I'm going to answer them." She replies. "Why won't you?" Elena asks. "That's another one." She says and picks up a board. She places it in front of the window. I'm guessing she doesn't have a daylight ring. "Why won't you tell us. You kidnapped us. It's only fair that you answer!" I say kinda annoyed. I want some answers. Like why are we here. Who's Elijah. "I personally want nothing from you. I'm just a delivery service." She answers. I roll my eyes. "Delivery service to who? To Elijah?" Elena asks. "Two points to the eavesdropper."she laughs.

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