Season two - Chapter 23

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(Thought that was cool^^)
I wake up and look around me. I'm in my room Elena and Stefan surround me. "What the hell. What the hell." I say. Last thing I remember is John blood Katherine? I don't know. "Whoa whoa calm down it's alright. You blacked out." Stefan says. No really.

I look at him with a I know that look. "Jeremy? Where's Jermey?!" I ask remembering. "He's fine he said that Anna gave him some blood. He took it and then took some pills-" I cut Elena off. "He's not a-?" I ask.

"No Anna's blood healed him from that. Thankfully." Stefan says. I get up and storm into his room where he's sitting on his bed. "What the hell Jer?" I ask. "Did you guys hear? About Anna? What happened to her tonight. She's dead." Jeremy says. "I know Jeremy I was there I was in that burning building with her becoming toast." I say. This is probably not the best time to be joking around.

"You were?" Jeremy asks. I nod. "Its okay. You'll get over it." I say and hug him.

"Uh Mrs Gilberts. You both are needed at the hospital." a police says at the doorstep. I look at Jeremy. "I'll take care of him."Stefan says. "I don't need a babysitter." Jeremy says. "Yes you do." Elena and I say at the same time.
I sprint into the hospital. I just heard about Caroline's crash. All I got was that she was in a car crash with Matt and Tyler. They're fine but Caroline isn't they said she's weak she might not make it. I run into the hospital. "Where is she?!" I demand. "She's in surgery." Matt says. Or Tyler. I try to run into the doors labeled operating rooms. "You can't go in there ma'am." a guy says. "I don't care let me in!" I say. A police comes and grabs me back.

"Ma'am you can't!" the officer yells. He's got a hand on his handcuff pocket. I hold up my hands. "Fine." I back away slowly. I turn around to see Bonnie, Elena, Matt, Tyler and Mrs.Forbes staring at me. "What I'm her best friend. Expect me not to pick a fight?" I cross my arms. I storm over to Bonnie. "Do something! There's gotta be something you can do. A spell or something. Fucking save her." I say.

"She doesn't know how does she?" Damon asks. Bonnie glares at him. A tear falls down. "No. I don't." Bonnie says. "You have to try I mean. At least try. That's what counts right? Just try Bonnie. Try. You gotta try. Save her." I beg.

A hand goes over my shoulder. Elena's. "It took Emily years to learn a spell like that." Damon says. "Yeah well I can take down a vampire with one simple look." Bonnie smiles coldly. "Stop it!" I yell. "Not here not now." I say/whisper. "I can feed her some blood." Damon says and I look to the ground. Every muscle is tense.

"No." I say. I sit down. Many things can go wrong with giving her blood. "Do it." Elena says. I get up and glare at her with fire in my eyes. "This isn't your best friend!" I say and point at her. "Do it." Bonnie agrees. "Are you kidding me." I blurt out. "If I do this you and i truce." Damon asks. "No but you'll do it for Emma." Bonnie shrugs and walks away.

He looks at me. "I know this is probably the last thing you want to talk about and now. But we need to talk about tonight." Damon says. I look at him. "What do you mean tonight?" I ask.

"Are you talking about the tomb vampire that came and attacked us and John." Elena asks which makes me think about what happened before I fainted. I knew saw someone or the vamp who attacked us. I can't remember it. But its at the tip of my tongue. "Wait when after I left?" Damon asks. "You were there?" Elena and I ask. "Yeah don't you remember Elena? Or it could been Emma." Damon points at Elena then me.

"The only thing I remember is coming home and minutes later Elena came in." I shrug. "I don't know what your talking about. I was with Stefan at the Grill I came right before you woke up." Elena says. "So we both didn't see you." Elena and I say. What? Is going on? "You've got to be kidding me." Damon sighs and walks away. Elena and I follow. Uh what about Caroline?
We get to the house to see Stefan groaning in pain on the ground. "What happened?!" Elena asks running over to him. I gasp as an image of Elena with curly hair and a smirk comes to my mind. "Katherine!" I say. They all look at me. "How did you know?" Damon asks. "When I came down to John Elena was standing behind me. Except it wasn't Elena. She had straight hair, Elena has hers wavy right now and a smirk on her face. That's when I noticed it was Katherine. Because Elena doesn't smirk. Then I knocked out before she got the chance to compel me to forget." I say.

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