Season one - Chapter 1

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(Idk I like it^^)
Months before

"Ergh Elena you know mom and dad are gonna kill us!" I say to Elena as were waiting for our parents to pick us up.

So tonight we had family night which sometimes can be really fun! But Elena and I bailed because well we wanted to go to this party.

But something happened between Matt and Elena (trouble in paradise) also Tyler and me. I had to call mom and dad. Let's just say they aren't exactly to happy with us.

I play with my pink shirt and look at my white pants which got dirty because I fell... A couple times.... Okay I got tripped a lot of times.

We hear a car honk and I look back to see our parents looking at us not so happy. I kinda smile and squeeze Elena's arm. I'm not ready to get grounded. Yes I've had my troubles in the past but I'm changed now!

I'm like a whole new person. We both get in the car. "Well talk about this at home." My dad says and we drive off. A couple minutes later I look out the window we're soon gonna pass the Mystic Falls Wickery Bridge. I look over to dad. He looks at mom. I don't know exactly what happened but it ended up with me screaming.

"DAD WATCH OUT!!!" I hold Elena's hand knowing that something bad's gonna happen. We swerve out of the road into the water from the bridge. Our car sinks.

Elena and I look at each other. I try getting the seat belt off. My dad reassures us that everything will be alright.

I try opening the car door. But it doesn't open. My ring falls off my finger but i can't reach it. "Dad!" I yell freaking out. "Mom, Elena!" I say looking around.

I try to bust off my seat belt but it won't work. I take one last breath of air.

"Mom!" I try to say. If we weren't drowning in water I would be crying my eyes out. I see moms eyes closing. Then Elana starts to go too. No you can't leave me. We both grab Dads hand.

He mouths I love you. I mouth it back to him and Elena. That's when I notice Elena starting to float back in her seat. Elena if you don't get the hell up!

I move around but I'm only wasting my breath. I try to punch and kick the doors but its no use.

I start to lose breath. Before my eye's start to close I see a figure. The figure goes to my dad however dad shakes his head and points to us. No dad.

The figure breaks the door they get Elena first since she's closer. I have to be strong will all my strength I still have I wiggle out of the seatbelt. I start trying to gasp for air. The figure comes back to help.

They quickly come over and grabs me. I wrap my arms around him and my eyes sight goes blurry. I black out before the surface comes into view.
Later on. First day of school.

"Wake up!" Elena literally yells in my ear. "No." I yell back. "If you don't get up this instant i'm going to get a bucket of ice water and pour it all over you and your bed!" She dares.

"You wouldn't" I say glaring at her. "Try me!" She says. I don't get up. She run's downstairs and after a minute or two i get up.

"FINE!" I say. I want to go to school. Not for school but for Caroline and Bonnie. Also I want to see Elena turn down Matt again. The whole summer he's been asking her out trying to apologize and shit.

But the whole summer i've been needing to come up with some random unknown plans Elena and I have. One of these days i'm not gonna stick up for her anymore. She's gonna have to answer him herself. Although he hasn't called in a while, maybe he got the hint.

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