Chapter 37

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(Don't play song till I say so

I've just entered the Salvatore's. And I see Elena. But not Elena. "Morning twin." she smirks. "Morning Kitty who let you outta the cage?" I say and smirk. Oh come on I know the difference between Katherine and Elena. "What do you mean?" she asks. Oh wow. "Morning Damon." Katherine and I say to Damon. He speeds over to her and holds her throat. "What are you doing here? I told you to leave!" Damon says. "What is your problem?" Katherine asks.

"You're wearing they're clothes like Thats going to work." Damon says. "You think I'm Katherine? Why would you think that? Katherine's in the tomb!" Katherine says. Wow her Elena impression is really good. "Isn't she?" I ask. Damon speeds over to me and chokes me. "Damon what the hell!" I say. "Tell me why you have your hair straight?" Damon asks me. "Ok my hair was all frizzy so I straightened it!" I say. Stefan comes down.

Damon holds Me and Katherine by the throat. I smirk wow this is fun. "What the hells going on here?" Stefan asks. "I don't know you tell me." Katherine says. I smirk I wanna play. "Is Katherine in the tomb or not?" I ask pretending to be like Elena. Stefan zooms up to his room and Katherine and I follow. "Stop it Katherine." Stefan chokes Elena. "Stop what?" Katherine and I ask. Katherine and I made a deal. I liked messing with Elena and so does she.

Honestly Katherine would be a better twin then Elena. I know rude but eh. "Emma?" Elena looks at Katherine then me. We both smirk. Damon comes up to his room. "Yes?" Katherine and I answer. Were just messing with them. "Which one is Emma?" Stefan asks. "Me!" Katherine and I say. "How do we know that Thats not Emma playing around with us." I say pointing to Elena.

"I'm Elena!" Elena says. "And I'm Emma!" Katherine says. "But I'm Elena!" I say. "I'm Elena." Katherine says. "I'm Emma!" I say. "I'm Elena." Elena says. "I'm Emma." Katherine says. "I'm Elena." I say. "I'm Katherine." Elena mix's up on her words. "Wait no I'm Elena!" she says. "I'm Katherine." I say. "I'm Elena." Katherine says.

"I'm Emma." I say. "I'm Elena." Elena says. "I'm Katherine." Katherine says. "Okay everyone shut up!" Damon says. Elena looks confused. Katherine and I crack up. I high five her. "Thats Elena." Katherine and I say to Elena. "But who's Katherine?" I ask. "And who's Emma?" Katherine asks.

"Thats enough who's my girlfriend." Damon ases. Katherine and I laugh. "You know I love messing with you all." I say. "And its getting really easy to be you." Katherine says to Elena. Elena eyes Katherine.
"What is she doing here?" Elena asks. "When we killed Elijah it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch from the tomb." Damon says watching me curl my hair. They made me do it since it's enough that Katherine and Elena have straight hair they don't need me too. "How is that possible?" Stefan asks. "He's an original they have all sorts of special skills." Katherine says playing with a feather.

"I don't know I want you here get her out of here." Elena says. "Rude." I say. Yes I hate Katherine. But she's kinda growing on me. Oh shit Thats bad. "You both need me. You all do." Katherine says. "Like hell." Stefan says. "We all want the same thing Klaus Dead!" I say turning off the iron. "Yet here you all are running around like chickens with their heads cut off." Katherine says. "Um I don't run." I add.

"We don't need your Help and I don't want it." Elena says talking for me. "And that's incredibly stupid of you." Katherine says. "Do you know where Klaus is? When he's coming? What he looks like?" Katherine asks. "If you know something say it or get out." Damon says. I go next to him and put my hand over his shoulder. He grabs my waist. "Fine. Then I'll just go the the Grill. And have some lunch. Maybe Aunt Jenna is free for a bite." Katherine says.
I went to school. Well Damon zoomed me there. Which I'm grateful for. So much shit has happened. Bonnie lost her powers! Caroline's having some Matt trouble. Ugh. Then we're having a girls night. Imagine if Katherine joined.
"It's bad. You know John planted all these seeds about Isobel. And now Jenna knows I'm lying about something." Alaric says. "Johns gonna end up dead on the kitchen floor if he's not careful." I say. "Yeah well easier said then done. I gave him back his ring. So..." Ric says showing us his hand. "Look Jenna keeps asking about Isobel. You know was she murdered? Why haven't they found the body? I mean how much longer can she stay in the dark?" Ric says.

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