Chapter 15

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There I am sitting on our swing chair thing freezing. Well it's not that cold since I have a jacket on and long sleeves underneath. Elena comes out. "I tried calling Bonnie again." Elena says. She sits next to me handing me a cup of hot coco, coffee, or tea. I keep staring ahead. I think Bonnie blames us for her grams dying. But she isn't the only one who lost her I was sorta palls with her. "What are you doing out here? It's cold." Elena asks.

"Thinking." I start. "Why'd you come out?" I ask. "Same I was gonna come out here to think, write. The funeral for Bonnie's grandma it brought back a lot about mom and dad." Elena says. I nod and drink coffee from the cup. Jenna walks up to us. "Aunt Jenna. You said you would do some digging about them. The adoption. Have you?" I ask still not happy with her. "Right." Jenna says. She looks at us. "Let's talk inside." Jenna says. Elena and I get up and go inside. "Your dad kept everything from his medical practice, records, logs, old appointment books." Jenna says as we're get to the kitchen.

She pulls out a book from a box. "I found an entry from the night you two were born. Patient and a birth date. Isobel Peterson." Jenna says. I look over her shoulder at the book. Not really book like a planner. "And you think that's her real name?" I ask. "Pregnant teenage runaway. Probably not. First name, maybe. But where'd she get Peterson, classmate? Best Friend? So I binged it. I searched for all the Peterson's in this area born the same year as Isobel. Found three, two men and a woman, Trudie. Who lived in Grove Hill, Virginia." Jenna says while trying stuff on the computer.

"That's not far from here." I say. "Well, watch this." Jenna types, "Trudie Peterson" "Grove Hill high school." Into the web and searches. She clicks on some album of pictures.theres a picture of two girls in cheer outfits standing next to each other. "Isobel." Elena says. "She was a cheer leader." I say. "Trudie still lives there." Jenna grabs a sticky note. "This is her address." I grab the sticky note. "What about Isobel?" Elena asks. I mean we're looking for our birth mother not her best bud. Jenna sighs. "I couldn't find anything about her." Jenna says.

I sigh and sit down. So does Elena. "Listen there's something else." Jenna says. We both look at her. "Mr.Saltzman, Rick uh... His wife was from around here." Jenna pauses. And? "Her name, was also Isobel." Jenna says. Wait Ricks wife could be our mother. Wait she said was. "You said was. As in..." I trail off. "She died." Jenna sighs.
"Alaric's wife might of been your mother?" Stefan asks. I lay on Elena's bed. "It can't be true right?" Elena starts. "The coincidence alone is just crazy." I finish. Elena turns around to face crossed armed Stefan. "I have the address for her friend. Trudie." I say pulling the post it note from my jacket. "You want to talk to her?" Stefan asks. "I don't know." I look over at Elena. "If it's true and they are the same person that means that our birth mother is dead." I say sitting up. "I don't know if I could handle that." Elena says and looks at me. I nod. I don't know if I could handle another death also.

"Did Jenna tell you anything about Alaric's wife? How she died?" Stefan asks. "Just that she was killed and the case was never solved." I say standing up and going to Elena's bedside table. I pick up a picture of her in her old cheer outfit. "You knew that already?" Elena asks looking at Stefan. I look up and I walk over to Stefan and Elena. "The night at the school when he attacked me. He told me some things about her death." Stefan says. Wait when did this happen. ""Well-" Elena starts. "No no. It's not possible. The coincidence is just to much. Now listen if you guys decide to go talk to Isobel's friend I'll come with you both." Stefan says.

Wait what. What did Alaric say about Isobel and her death? "We don't know what we're going to do yet." Elena says. "I should get going. I gotta deal with Damon." Stefan says. "How uh. How is he?" I ask. "He hasn't contacted you." Elena asks. I shake my head. "He's dealing in his own way." Stefan says. "Meaning having sex and feeding off of them." I roll my eyes. Hey I don't know that for a fact but that seems like something he'd do. They both look at me. What?
I get out of the car along with Elena. She didn't really want to come but I made her. We're going to talk to Isobel's friend Trudie. We get to the front door. I can see guilt flooding Elena's face. "You feel bad for not telling Stefan?" I ask even though I know the answer. "We don't need Stefan. This is our business. Our mother not his." Elena says. True true. "Alright ready to meet Trudie?" I ask. Elena nods.

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