Chapter 5

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I wake up to  a loud crash. Being the basic white girl I am I got up to check it out. Being Elena she would call out hello But didn't do that. Cause I'm smart. Kinda. Not really. I look over the stairs and see a whoosh. And being the dumbass i am I run downstairs what the hell. I walk into the hallway. I try to turn on the lights but being a creepy ass scene they don't turn on.

"This is Logan Fell coming at you live from the streets of Mystic Falls with breaking news of another attack." I walk over to see the t.v on. "The wild animal terrorizing the citizens of Mystic Falls has claimed yet another victim. Local highschool student, Emma Gilbert." I look at the t.v weirdly. A picture of me pops up on the screen. Oh dang I look good.

"Police are certain that forensic evidence will confirm that this is the same animal responses for recent attacks." the screen pops up "Emma Gilbert. Found dead." way to put it subtlety. "You know what's coming next." I turn around to see Damon looking at me. I run to the door and when I open it I'm faced with Damon. I scream and slam it shut. I turn around to see Damon right by the stairs. I scream again.

I'm trying to shake my head and do something but nothings working. I look up again to see no Damon. I walk slowly to the stairs. Someone grabs me and I feel a sharp pain. I scream.
I scream and bolt up from my...bed? Elena and Jeremy come running in. "I'm fine I'm fine." I say and they nod. What the hell was that.
I'm sitting on the couch watching the news. They caught the animal that's been killing people. "Scum ball." I say. "Scum bucket." Jenna says. "Who are you guys talking to?" Elena asks us. I turn around from the couch. "Him." Jenna and I say. "The news guy?" Elena asks. "Also known as Logan Scum Fell." I say turning back to the t.v. "Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls?" Jenna asks.

"Oh no way. You and him?" Elena asks. "He's cute." Elena says. "He is not cute." Jenna and I say. "There's nothing cute about him!" Jenna says and I nod. "Amen to that." I say. I turn off the t.v and walk over to Elena. "What are you doing with that?" Jenna asks. "I went and got it from the safe deposit box." Elena says polishing something. "Oh yeah mom told Mrs.Lockwood that she would loan it to the founders council for there heritage display." I say.

"Is that grandma Beth's wedding ring?" Jenna asks. "Originally it was great great grandma Marys wedding ring." I say and smile. "How much do you think this stuff is worth. Like on eBay?" Jeremy asks picking up a piece of jewelry. "You're not going to find out!" Elena exclaims and snatches the piece of jewelry from him. "This is mom and dads stuff you can't just give it away." Jeremy says. "She's not giving it away it's called a loan." I say and roll my eyes. I pull down the tank top.

The doorbell rings and I go get it. When I open it I see Stefan. "Hey Steffy poo. ELENA YOUR BOOTY CALL IS HERE!" I yell. I smirk at Stefan and Elena comes in. "Hey." Elena eyes me saying go to the kitchen. I gag and run upstairs.
Somehow I got to the Grill I think I came here for alcohol but I see Bonnie and Caroline sitting at a table. "Hey girls." I say and smile. "What's up with your outfit." Caroline asks. "What a girl can't wear sweats?" I ask and smirk. I'm wearing sweatpants, a black normal shirt, and my hair is normal. "The Emma Gilbert I know wouldn't go out in public with out something sexy." Bonnie says.

"1 sweatpants can be sexy. Sometimes. 2 I don't care what others think of me if you haven't noticed." I say and sit down. Then we start a normal little chat. "You're taking Damon to the founders party?" Bonnie and I ask. "What about me?!" Bonnie asks. "Go with Elena." Caroline shrugs. "She's taking Stefan." I say. "Okay go by yourself." Caroline smiles.

"Oh wow." I say. "What about your mom." Bonnie asks. "Yeah is she okay with you bringing Damon?" I ask. "And I'm suppose to care why?" Caroline asks. I look up and meet her eyes. She never acts like this. "He's older." I start. "Sexy danger guy." Bonnie says. "Older sexy danger guy? Is that an official witch twitter tweet?" Caroline asks. "Ew no one even uses Twitter." I say. "No more witch jokes." Bonnie says. I nod.

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