Chapter 42

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"Oh my head! What's wrong with me?!" Jenna asks. "You don't remember what happened?" Elena and I ask. "Emma called me. She was so scared. Ah I should've realized that it wasn't you. The second I walked out of the house someone grabbed me. A vampire." Jenna says. "Klaus." Elena and I say. "He made me drink his blood. And I don't. I don't remember anything after that. But where are we? What happened?!" Jenna asks.

"Were at the quarry. He brought us here." I say. "Why don't I remember anything?" Jenna asks. "Jenna do you remember when we told you how someone becomes a vampire?" Elena asks. "Yeah if you die with vampire blood in your system its.... Oh god. He killed me." Jenna says. "Jenna listen to us." Elena says. "Everything's going to be okay." Elena says. "Were going to get you out of here." I reassure her.

"I'm a vampire?" Jenna asks. "And I bet you're hungry." Greta comes over to us. I try to run to get a rock but she throws me a couple feet using her hand. I groan and get up. She sets fire around me in a circle. Elena tries to get to me but she's thrown back into a circle as well. "Don't bother trying to get through. I've spelled the circle. Your both trapped." she says grabbing a sharp rock. "No matter what you guys do." Greta smiles creepily.

"Greta please let her go!" Elena says. I try to see what's going on but my vision gets blurry. My vision goes back to normal to see Jenna pull away from Greta's wrist. "Jenna. Its going to be okay." Elena says. Elena and I are standing by the fire. I'm literally roosting my ass off as if I were the pilgrims turkey for Thanksgiving. Greta lights a fiery circle around her as well. Elena and I cry to Jenna. "Its going to be okay." we say. She shakes her head and vampire veins come under her eyes.
"How are you feeling?" Elena asks Jenna. I sit up and look at her like she's the dumbest person alive. Bitch she's a vampire hoe do you think she feels?!
"I feel like myself. Only not. Everything is brighter. The fires hotter. Part of me is terrified. But there's another part of me that doesn't want to feel anything." Jenna says. "Vampires can turn off the part that's human." Elena says as I sit down playing with some sticks.

"I'm going to die aren't I?" she asks. "No!" Elena says. YES! Face it Elena were all gonna die. "Jenna were not going to let that happen." Elena starts. I sigh. "I don't care what I have to do!" Elena says. I hear a twig snap and someone groaning in pain. I bolt up and dust off my ass. "What was that?" Jenna asks. "The werewolf." I respond.

Jules gets thrown on the ground. "I cast a spell to slow down your transformation." Greta responds. Oh shit Thats gotta hurt. Greta kneels to Jules. "Your insides are trying to tear themselves free." Greta says and walks a little bit.

She waves her hands in the air and a ring of fire circles around Jules. "Greta! Witches are suppose to maintain the balance in nature. Its your duty to them to keep this curse sealed." Elena says. "My duty is to Klaus! The new order."Greta says. "Glad to know I still have a dance partner." Klaus says appearing from the shadows. We all stare at him. "Hello my lovelies. Are we ready?" Klaus asks. No. Yes. Nope.
Jules groans in pain for like the millionth time. CAN YOU KILL HER ALREADY?! Couple minutes of her shouting in pain she looks at Elena then me. Let's put it this way. Elena's at the opposite side of me. Jules and Jenna are facing each other. Then I'm facing Elena. Don't know if that made sense.

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