Chapter 25

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"A boy and a girl can be friends. But eventually one of them will fall for the other. Maybe temporarily, Maybe at the wrong time. Or maybe Forever."
I wake up throw on some clothes and look at myself in the mirror. I hear my phone buzzing so I grab it and look at the caller ID. Damon. I smile and answer it. "Hey." I say and look at some of the necklace's I can put on. "Hello sunshine. I need you to come over to my house. We're having a little chat about your boy Tyler Lockwood." Damon says. I sigh. "Who's we?" I ask. "Uh... You, me, Elena, Stefan, and Alaric." Damon says.

"I don't know if that's a good idea i wonder how she'll react to us." I sigh. "Yeah well screw her we need you, see you soon." he hangs up the phone. Goodbye to you too. I grab a silver necklace put it on grab my grey heel boots. I stuff my phone into my pocket and head for the door. "Emma!" Jenna calls out. I roll my eyes and go into the kitchen. "Morning Jenna." I smile. She looks at me.

"Alright well you heading somewhere?" she asks. "Uh yeah. I'll be back in an hour or two." I smile and head out the door.
"Thanks for coming Ric. May I get you something to drink? Coffee, Bourbon? Bourbon coffee?" Damon smirks leading Ric into the living room to where Elena and Stefan are sitting together on one couch opposite to the couch I'm leaning on. Ric and Damon sit on the couch I'm leaning on. "No thanks. Elena said you needed my help?" Ric questions. "Yeah we were hoping that you could help shed some light on the Lockwood family." Stefan asks. "Now why would I know anything about the Lockwood's?" Ric asks narrowing his eyes.

"Well of course you wouldn't, but your dead not really dead vampire wife might." Damon smirks at Ric. I look over at Elena who hasn't even looked at me once. Why is she acting like that. "Isobel's research. From when you guys where at Duke together!" Elena says to Ric. "You said that she spent years researching this town." Stefan explains. "Isobel's research here in Mystic Falls was rooted in folklore and legend. At the time I thought most of it was fiction." Ric says. "Like what? The amazing vampire story." Damon smirks.

"Aside from vampires what else was there?" I ask. Ric pauses for a moment. "The Lycanthrope." He responds. I chuckle. "Like the werewolves? Like Jacob from Twilight." I laugh. Werewolves can't be real. But then again vampires and witches are. "No way impossible!" Damon frowns leaning up in his seat. "Is it?" Stefan asks looking at Damon. "I've been on this planet for 160 some odd years and I've never came across one. If werewolves exist where the hell were they?" Damon questions.

Well maybe they didn't wanna be found. "Well, why do you suspect the Lockwood's?" Ric asks. "Because the vervain didn't affect the Major on Founders day but the Gilberts device did. And it affected his son Tyler." Damon points out. How could I not have known? I switch positions leaning on my left leg. I try to remember events where I could've known he was a werewolf. "And at the school carnival his Uncle Mason exhibited inhuman behavior when he followed one of the carnival workers. That suggests that he's some sort of supernatural." Stefan adds.

I reach a memory where Isobel is talking about our friends. "Then there's Tyler Emma's ex slash friend. Let me tell you he's going to be problems."
Isobel knew about Tyler? "We were hoping that Isobel's research could help us figure out what they are." Elena says. "Well all of her things are still at Duke. I mean her office is still there she's technically still missing." Ric glares at Damon. "So we can get a access to it?" Damon asks.

Alaric doesn't answer by the look on his face is probably saying no. "Ric we need this. If Mason is a werewolf then that means Tyler might be a werewolf Jr. And that means we are all screwed." I point out. He looks at me and sighs. "Just before we go. I think that Isobel did know because when she threatened our friends she mentioned Tyler and she said that we were gonna have future problems with him." I say. They all look at each other.
I throw some stuff in my bag. "Does she have to come with us? Why can't it just be me, you and Ric?" I ask. "I don't think she trusts me and you together for all she knows she still thinks you want to kill me." Damon sighs. "Right. I've been meaning to tell her about us." I say and zip up my purse bag. "When exactly are you going to tell her?" Damon asks. "I don't know. But once she knows she's gonna ruin the trip." I whine. "This isn't supposed to be a fun trip. We are going to Duke for research on the werewolves. I know you want to know about Katherine and your linage so we can do that also." Damon says causing me to look at him.

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