21# Despair in Love

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Kiss Me Deadly

Chapter 21 – Despair in Love

I take a deep breath as I lift the knocker on Casey’s door and let it drop, after all the events of yesterday I felt like I really needed to talk to her but I still wondered if this was really the right time. I still don’t know what I could say to her if we started to talk about the events of the Snowball, would I bring up Cody and Nick? Or would I just try to ignore it?

I always thought that being a best friend to someone was easy, all you had to do was love the other person but it was harder than that. Especially when your best friend is grieving over a lost love.

Even though Casey and I are best friends, we’re more than that... we’re sisters, soul twins and family. How are you supposed to help your family when someone close to them dies? Do you just sit there with them or do you try to make them feel better? Do you talk to them or let them grieve in silence?

I was still mulling over what I was going to do when Linda opened the door. “Oh Cammie sweetheart I’m so glad that your here right now. Casey really needs you; she hasn’t come out of her room since she got back from the hospital.”

I nodded, I had expected as much.

“Go on up.” Linda opened the door wide and I stepped through.

I treaded up the stairs slowly, wanting to put as much time between the inevitable. I was being a bad friend, while I was off gallivanting around with all of these new people Casey was sat in bed, all alone and grieving.

I shook my dark thoughts out of my head, it was my duty as her best friend to help her through this bad time, I needed to man up and stop wallowing. I stopped outside of her door and knocked, I was tempted to do the knock that I always used to do but I thought that it might... I don’t know bring up bad memories.

“Who is it?” I heard Casey strangled voice call out after a few seconds of hesitation.

“Me.” I put my hand on the door knob and turned.

As I walked in to the room a sound came from the lump under the covers on Casey bed. “Cammie, is that you?”

“Of course, I told you I’d be over.” I walked over to her bed and sat on the edge.

She poked her head out from under the covers, grunted at me and then rolled right back over.

“How’re you feeling?” God Cammie, how could you ask something so stupid?

“The same,” she mumbled at me from under her covers.

At least she wasn’t ignoring me that was a start.

I scooted over next to her and laid down staring at her ceiling, I wondered how she could do this day after day.  Maybe it was a part of grieving.

I took a big breath. “I have something to tell you.”

Maybe this wasn’t the right time, maybe I was being selfish but it had to be done. Who knows it might even cheer her up a little.

“What it is?” I heard her sigh.

“Something important so please look at me?” I asked her gently, I didn’t want to sound rude or anything but I knew that I had to tell her about everything, about how I brought her back from the dead with these mystical gifts of mine.

The covers from the bed flew back and Casey sat up, her bandages were slightly crooked and she looked as though she hadn’t had a drop of restful sleep in years but I guess that’s what happens when you cry yourself to sleep every night.

~Kiss Me, Deadly~ (Discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant