nineteen |-/ apølogy

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Josh hadn't know that I saw him making out with Tyler until Tyler broke down crying while they were talking to each other on Skype.

Josh tried to avoid me all week. I had no idea if he was angry with me, or if he was just embarrassed and didn't want to confront me and have to talk about it.

Eventually, though, Tyler decided to apologize to Josh, and Josh apologized to me. He said he was drunk, and didn't know what he was doing. I wasn't entirely convinced, but decided to believe it for the time being.

School went on like normal, as if nothing every happened. I sat at the same table, with the same group of friends, and we joked about the same stupid jokes that I had grown so accustomed to.

Josh ended up dating Debby, but had to break up after she moved.

Jenna was still single, and wasn't looking for a relationship.

Tyler and I were still together, and although we're young, we had our entire life sorted out for us.


Fuck noodles
^u wot m8
I really wish this chapter was longer but I already have the last chapter planned (WHICH IS THE NEXT ONE HOLY CRAPOLY"
And I couldn't figure out any other way to lead up to it

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