føur |-/ sappy

6 0 1

Excuse this annoying ass message to you guys, but I downloaded Regional at Best. fITe mE

Also, this is a filler chapter because I have no fucking clue what to write about at the moment, sorry for not being consistent.
TRIGGER WARNING- Mentions of death and cancer

The next morning (Saturday)

Tyler, you don't have to sit with me all the time, you're allowed to sit with Ashley." Josh said as Tyler sat next to him on the couch.

"But Joshy, I love you. I thought you loved me too!" Tyler's fake pout was adorable.

"Fine." Josh sighed as Tyler laid down, head on Josh's lap. I looked at the way Josh stroked Tyler's hair. I regret hating Josh so much, I didn't do that kind of stuff with my friends.

I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of the two. The caption read:

He's cheating on me with Josh @tylerrjoseph @joshuadun

Tyler woke up from his peaceful trance, checking his phone that had just buzzed.

"You're going to get it now." Tyler jumped off the couch and ran over to where I was sit, straddling me.

Jenna and Josh got the hint, and walked away saying they were going to get more popcorn for us.

"Lay down." I followed Tyler's directions as he positioned himself on me, legs on either side.

"I love you." I heard in my ear. Tyler moved his mouth to mine, kissing me more intensely with each second until his tongue found it's way into my mouth, searching for mine.

"Josh, mom needs you outs-" Tyler scurried off me as we heard an unfamiliar voice coming from the steps.

"Oh um, hey Tyler. Sorry about that. Who's this?" The girl asked.

Tyler's cheeks reddened. "Tha-that's fine, Ashley. Ashley, meet Ashley."

"Nice to meet you." The girl with the same name as me shook my hand. "I'm guessing you guys are together?" We nodded.

"Funny, I always thought Josh would ask Tyler out."

"Well, they sure do act like they're dating. Tyler had his head in Josh's lap earlier as he was combing through his hair. Josh kissed Tyler's forehead!" I laughed. I was fine with that, honestly.

"Alright, kiddos. Where's Josh?" She asked.

"In the kitchen with Jenna getting some more snacks." She nodded and ran upstairs to get Josh.

"So uh, what should we do after the last episode?" Tyler asked. We were watching a new series called Stranger Things, and let me tell you, it was some good shit.

"We can go to the local music store, they have instruments that we can 'test out'."

"Oh, I see what your up to."


After we finished the last episode, which I was definitely not satisfied with, we drove to the music store.

"Ashley, you play drums, right?" I nodded and Josh grabbed my wrist, guiding me over to an area with multiple drum sets as I winced under the pressure of his grip on a very sensitive area.

"Shit, sorry. I forgot." I shrugged and sat down at a set that I fell in love with.

It was black, with red paint splatters on it. Josh chose one that looked very different from any other drum set I'd seen before. It was black, with red skulls and alien heads all over it painted in red.

"It's beautiful." He whispered. "I think I'm going to cry."

We both tested the drums as Tyler found a piano to play around with.

Tyler played a tune, and as if it was an instinct, Josh played a beat that matched perfectly.

Jenna, who didn't play any instruments or sing, recorded the whole thing.

"Ashley, when I say 1, 2, 3, I want you to say, yeah yeah yeah. Jenna and Josh, you too. Got it?" I nodded and we gave it a try.

"One, two, three."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"


Later that day at 8:00 pm

"Well, looks like it's time for you guys to leave." Josh said sadly, signaling the end of our awesome sleepover party thing.

"One more song, and then we'll leave." Tyler said.

"My Chemical Romance, I'm guessing?"

"Yep." Josh played Cancer, and the room got quiet.

If the colors in the room could change based on how the people inside of its four walls felt, it would be blue right now.

"Tyler, can we talk in the hall for a second?" He looked up, a look of concern on his face.

Josh was softly whispering the lyrics, voice as soft as cotton. If you saw how rebellious this man looked, you would never imagine how well he could sing.

Tyler came back in, tears streaming down his face as Jenna had her arm wrapped around him.

"What happened?" Josh and I asked together.

Tyler collapsed on to me. "I had no idea how much you'd been through. I'm so fucking sorry." I looked to Jenna for help.

"I told him." She mouthed. The realization hit me. She told him about how my father had lost to a battle of cancer. I was so close to him, and he was taken away from me, just like everything else that was good in the world. That left me with my abusive mother, whom I almost never was happy around.

"Do you want me to turn it off?" Tyler asked.

I shook my head. "No, leave it on. Either way, it still calms me down." And with that, we listened to Cancer in silence, taking in each word, and every note.


OKAY so I completely forgot that they were supposed to be having a SLEEPOVER not just a party sooo I didn't put in anything to indicate that they had a sleepover other than the fact that they were still at Josh's house the next morning. Sorry 'bout that.

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