seven |-/ caught

6 0 3

Monday Morning Before School

Josh started a new chat
Josh: sup
Tyler: what r u doing up this early?
Josh: ive been up all night and i figured you'd be up by now getting ready for school
Ashley: y were u up all night?
Josh: i was planning something
Jenna: wtf this better not be another one of your pranks
Josh: oh hey Jenna
Jenna: just tell us the damn plan
Tyler: xD
Josh: alright, fine. dont go to school today, meet me at my house. my parents wont care, ill tell you there
Tyler: josh ive missed enough school, they're going to send social workers to my house soon if my attendance stays like this
Josh: let loose ty
Tyler: i hate u
Josh: i love you too

I put down my phone, laying back down in my bed. What was he up to?


It was a very foggy morning. There were dew drops on the still, green grass. Entire fields were enveloped by thick, curling fog.

I was walking to Josh's house with Tyler, since neither of us were allowed to drive our parents' car.

"You think he's up to something bad?" Tyler broke the silence.


His house came into view, and I saw his fluff of purple hair.

"Hey." He waved to me.

"What are you up to today?" I asked.

"I'll tell you when Jenna gets here. I don't feel like repeating it ten times." Almost as if on cue, Jenna appeared in the distance.

"Alright, dipcrap. What is your little plan?" Tyler asked before wrapping his right arm around me.

"So, we're playing hooky today. After this talk, we're going to head out to Walmart to grab eggs, toilet paper, and spray paint. We'll talk about the rest once we get in the car." Before we got to ask any questions, Josh was already starting up his black Mustang.

"Alright, who are we going to take down today?" I asked Josh, a hint of sarcasm in my voice.


"What? Why Andy?" Tyler asked.

"Because he's stuck up. And he's the reason I don't have a girlfriend."

"Oh come on. I know someone that likes you." Jenna stated.

"Yeah right. Who?"



"Yup." Josh's face went red. We drove the rest of the way to Walmart in silence.


635 Beverly Lane
We pulled up to Andy's house. At this time of the day, nobody would be home. We equally divided our "weapons".

I heard a crack at the door, and saw that Josh had already begun egging the house. I joined in not long after, throwing toilet paper in the trees and throwing eggs at the windows.

"Let's go inside and take something. They are so rich that they won't give a shit about what's missing." Jenna recommended.

"Damn, you're a savage, Jenna!" I laughed, going around to the back of the house with everyone.

"I'm good at breaking in to houses, I can open this window." I suggested.

"And why are you good at this, may I ask?" Josh questioned.

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