eighteen |-/ øblivious

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I was prone to giving in too easily, and forgiving people for things that I should never forgive them for, because that's just the kind of person I am.

And I hated it with a passion.

I was the kind of person who couldn't say no to even the most extreme things.

Let me explain.

In seventh grade, a completely disgusting slob who I had just met asked me out, and I said yes, and I really meant no.

In fourth grade, a girl asked me to jump off the roof of my house, and I said yes, and I really meant no.

In eighth grade, someone asked if I could do a duet with them in front of an audience, and I said yes, and I really meant no.

In twelfth grade, a boy named Tyler asked if I still loved him, and I said yes, but I really didn't know how I felt.

Do you see the recurring theme here? I never really mean what I say, and no one thinks twice about it. The only person who seemed to notice was Tyler.  I couldn't figure out how he knew, but he knew I was lying, and I couldn't deny that.

"I know it's going to be hard to trust me again, but," he took in a deep breath. "I don't know. I just, I, I know I really hurt you, and I hated every second that I spent waiting for a call, or a text, or something from you. Ashley, I want to spend the rest of my entire life with you. I want to marry you, and have kids, and adopt pets, and live in a big house, and have the perfect life that you deserve to have." I listened to every word he said. I believed him, and I hoped that this time, it wouldn't come crashing down on me.



"I love you."

"I love you too, Ash."

And with that, I nuzzled my face into the shoulder of the man that I now loved, shielding the both of us from the bitter Ohio winter.


So this chapter and the next are filler-ish chapters, leading up to the ending at chapter twenty, and yes, there will be an epilogue.

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