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There was a strange beeping noise as I opened my eyes, but quickly forcing them shut. The room was bright, very bright. My arms and legs felt stiff, so I stretched before I sat up.

I heard a gasp from across the room, but couldn't see who it was because I still couldn't adjust my eyes to the brightness of the room.

"Ashley, you're awake!" A voice that must have belonged to Tyler came closer to me, and I was enveloped by a hug. Yup, it was Tyler.

"I can't see."

"Oh, yeah it's pretty bright in here. I'll turn the lights off." Tyler got up, flipping the light switch. I opened my eyes and saw Tyler. His eyes were red and puffy.

"Where are we?" I asked. I had never seen this room before. It couldn't have been Tyler's or Josh's. Not Jenna's either.

"We-we're in the hospital, Ashley. You tried t-to c-commit suicide." It all came rushing back to me. The blood, the tears, the darkness.

"Well, shit. That didn't happen now did it?" I joked. Tyler laughed and sat down next to me.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Tyler answered. A lady dressed in maroon scrubs walked in with a clipboard in her small hands.

"I see you're awake." The nurse smiled at me.

"Am I okay?" Was my reaction.

"Yes, you're fine now. We had to stitch you up. You might still be feeling a little dizzy, but your body just needs to produce more blood, and then you'll feel better." I nodded, taking in the information.

"You'll have to stay here for a week before we can release you. The doctor also wants you to have at least three therapy sessions here, and at least one of them with Tyler." I nodded, lacing my fingers through Tyler's hand. This nurse was nice, I liked her.

"Am I allowed to eat?" I usually didn't get very hungry, but at the moment I was starving.

"The cafeteria is closed right now, but you can have someone drive out and pick up something for you."

"I'll go get you some food." Tyler stood up and threw on his jacket.

"Do you know what I want?"

Tyler gave me a knowing look.

"Taco Bell." I smiled, giving him a kiss before he left.

"I can see that you love him very much." The nurse said.

"Yeah, he's pretty great." A smile crept onto my mouth.

"By the way, I'm Nurse Taylor, but you can call me Shannon." I shook her outstretched hand.

I don't know why, but even though I was just recovering from a suicide attempt, I was pretty happy.


Tyler arrived with my food. Three nacho cheese Dorito  tacos and a large Mountain Dew. My favorite.

"I also got us these." He pulled out a box of Cinnabon delights.

"Tyler, I've been wanting to try these for so long! How did you know?" Before even taking a single bite of my taco, I tried a Cinnabon.

"Holy moly." I closed my eyes, taking in the decliousness. (I've never tried them, so idk how to describe them plz send help)

"I knew you'd like them." Tyler said with a smile.


(The next day)

I was attending my first therapy session at the hospital. Honestly, I was scared. Every other therapist that I'd ever been to was pretty mean.

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