øne |-/ intrøduction

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Let me get one thing straight. I am not a person that gets jealous easily. If I, Ashley Mae Parker, get jealous of anybody, you'll automatically know that I am almost desperate to be with them.

That was the case with Tyler Robert Joseph. He always hung around this other kid, Joshua William Dun, who liked to be called Josh. I found out a lot about them from my friend Jenna Elizabeth Black. She had dated Tyler, but broke up with him because she felt more like a sister to him than anything. Tyler understood, and they still acted as if nothing ever happened. They talked quite often, but nowhere near as often as Josh and Tyler talked. It sounds selfish, and it probably is, but I wanted to talk to Tyler as often as Josh did.

You probably have no idea who I am, so I'll tell you. As I said, my full name is Ashley Mae Parker. I'm seventeen years old. I've struggled with depression and self harm since fifth grade, and have had anxiety my whole life. At the moment, my hair is bright red. I have icy blue eyes, just like Jenna. I'm five feet and eleven inches tall. I earn mostly B's in school, and sometimes a few C's pop up. I decided to take chorus this year, along with Tyler. That was the only time Josh wasn't talking to him, because he took band.

Let's talk about the four of us for a little while. We're all seventeen. Tyler and I take chorus, Josh takes band, and Jenna takes general music. Our schedules are the same except for, of course, last period when we have some sort of musical class. It was weird. It was rare for people to have the same schedule, and it was ironic that four of us had that happen. Josh is a drummer, like me. Tyler sings, plays the ukulele, is a pianist, and plays basketball. Jenna doesn't excel in a specific area, but she's good with science and chemistry. Not nerdy good, but good. Josh has a one big tattoo on his arm and another behind his ear. Tyler has a couple bands here and there, a cross, and the same tattoo that Josh has behind his ear, Tyler's is on his bicep. He has a couple others, but I don't know how I'd describe them. They're like some weird code. I have one tattoo. It's a reference to Final Fantasy.

Let's get on to piercings. Tyler doesn't have any. Josh has his nose pierced, and gauges in his ears. I have an industrial piercing, gauges in my ears, snakebites, a smiley piercing, and I have my tongue pierced. Jenna just has the traditional ear piercings.

I feel like that's enough rambling for today. Basically, Jenna and I are best friends, even though she can be a basic white girl. I sometimes talk to Josh and Tyler, I'm planning on changing that.

Yes, I am aware that Alex Dorame is on the cover
I can't make covers at the moment, so I'm using screenshots
Sorry about that

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