føurteen |-/ birthday

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I'm really sick and I just took what felt like a shit ton of pills so if my writing is all over the place, I blame the meds *smiles through the pain*

ALSO check out my new book "Cake" (it might not be published by the time I update this, so just wait) I think it's going to be one of my best (yet shortest) books ever :)

My birthday is today. I heard Josh talking about getting me a birthday present when I was eavesdropping on him and Tyler's conversation two days ago. They caught me before I could figure out what they were going to get me.

Josh and Jenna had left school a couple minutes earlier today. I didn't know why, they hadn't told me why they were leaving.

When Tyler opened the door to his house for me, the lights turned on and a bunch of people jumped up from behind the couch screaming "Happy birthday!" Balloons flew around the room along with multicolored confetti.

Tyler gave me a kiss. "Happy birthday, Ash." I didn't know how to react, no one had ever done this for me before.

"You guys scared the shit out of me, I hope that makes you all happy." I joked, laughing as I walked inside the house.

To my delight, there was a simple red and black cake, and black and white party decorations scattered throughout the house.


We ate the cake, which tasted like food coloring, and moved on to opening my birthday gifts.

"Save this one for last." Josh said, pointing to the largest box in the pile. I looked at it, nodding.

I received video games, makeup, clothes, and lots of band merch before I finally went to open the large box that Josh had told me to wait on opening.

I noticed, after unwrapping a large portion of the box, that it had a logo on it that said "SJC". I recognized that as a drum company. I looked up at Josh, Tyler, and Jenna, who were all sitting together as my eyes lit up.

"No way!" I undid the neat wrapping as fast as I could and ripped open the box, revealing a beautiful, shiny red drum kit.

"Happy birthday." Tyler said, smiling. I sat up and ran over to him, giving him and the other two a huge hug.

"We knew you really wanted drums, so we all pitched in some money and Josh helped us pick out a good quality set for you." Jenna informed me.

"Guys, thank you so much, I seriously wasn't expecting anything like this." Tears of joy began to stream down my face.

"Do you want to uh, call your mom or something?" Tyler asked. I looked down at my dirty pair of Converse, not knowing what to do.

"I'll call her for you." Tyler said, grabbing my hands.

"Thanks." I whispered, barely audible.


I start school this week fml
I wish anyone going back to school good luck, I'm sure you need it
The end of the book might also be coming soon, I feel like it's time to start wrapping it up, which makes me very sad because I had a blast writing this. I might go until Chapter Twenty btw

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