six |-/ øut of the cømfort zøne

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(This is also a filler chapter, SAWWY) Ayyyy hi there. It's hard to write smut for straight couples (who reads straight fanfic lmao) so idk if there will be any. BUUUUT I'm excited to write this :D I've been having bad panic attacks lately and when I sit down to write these books, I feel a lot better and happier. So, thank you for reading my stuff, I love you guys a lot <3

His room was a mix of band posters, instruments, and pieces of art strewn all over the floor.

"Are you sure your parents don't mind me staying here? You have brothers too, right?"

"Yep." He replied. "Zack's barely ever home, and Jay is always either at school or playing basketball. My dad is a coach, my mom is kind of just there for moral support, I guess." He scratched his neck lightly, a tinge of sadness in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well, I kind of gave up basketball for playing the piano." He replied nervously.

"I happen to think that's a very nice profession to pick up." I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind.

"I like it and all, but I was going to get a scholarship from basketball, and my family isn't very 'musical' I guess you could say." He turned his head to the left, kissing me innocently before turning around, and sitting us down on the bed. Let's just say, we did some 'frickle frackling'.


"Tyler honey, I'm home!" The front door squeaked, and an older woman peeked through with a boy who looked much younger than Tyler.

"Crap, get your clothes on! Quick, she'll kill me if she finds out I was in the same bed as you!" He threw me my clothes as I shot up out of the bed.

"Tyler, are you home?" The lady yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah mom, just a second!" Tyler made quick work of his clothes, throwing everything on in almost an instant.

The bedroom door suddenly creaked open, as Tyler let out an inhumane shriek.

"Mom! Learn to knock!"

"Who's this?" She asked. I wondered if Tyler told her that we were dating yet.

"Oh, um. This- she's Ashley."

"Ah, Ashley as in the girl you've been talking about all week?" I blushed. Was Tyler really talking about me?

He laughed nervously, reaching behind his neck to scratch it. It must have been a nervous habit. "Yep, that's her." The way he replied made me think of that show That's So Raven.

"Well, I hope you used protection."

"Mom!" Looks like we were busted anyway.

"What? Look at you two! Sex hair, the bed is messed up, and Ashley doesn't have her jeans zipped up!" I looked down to see that my pants were indeed unzipped.

Tyler laughed nervously. "Oh, um, I'm sorry. I wasn't really-" he was cut short by his mom, whom wrapped her arms tightly around his small, fragile frame.

"Ty, it's fine. You're growing up, it's normal. Do what you want, just not when I'm home."


What an ending to a chapter
I'll see you dipcraps in jail
We can do an a capella version of Heathens with Jishwa and Tyjo

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