thirteen |-/ bang bang

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"Josh and Jenna slept over. Brendon passed out on the floor and still hasn't gotten up. The rest left." Tyler informed.

"I can try to get Brendon up. All you have to do is a wave some money in his face and he'll probably wake right up." I joked around. There was some truth in my statement, though.

"No, you stay in bed and rest." Tyler giggled, making the feel of the room brighten up almost instantly. Jenna and Tyler were probably the only sober people at the party last night.


We drove to Taco Bell for dinner since all of us were too lazy to make food, and we were in the mood for Taco Bell anyway.

I sat next to Jenna, leaving Tyler to sit next to Josh in the booth we had chosen once we arrived.

Jenna and Tyler carried all of our food and drinks to the booth, knowing that Josh and I were too hungover to even stand up.

"Thanks guys." I said.

After we finished, Josh invited us to go to his house and "enjoy our Saturday".

"Wait. You have drums right?" I asked Josh excitedly.


"Can you teach me how to play them?" My eyes lit up, and I sounded like a small child.

"I guess I could do that."

I leaned over the table, giving him a quick hug.

"Thank you so much."


After we all walked to Josh's place, I immediately begged him to take me down to his basement, where his bedroom and drums were.

The first thing a noticed was red splatters where Josh hit the drums.

"What's that?" I asked. Josh pulled out a pair of red painted drums sticks. I'd never seen painted drum sticks before.

"Dude, that's sick as frick!" I excitedly grabbed them from his outstretched hands and began to test them out. His drums sounded very nice. Very professional.

"I'll teach you a song that Tyler and I have been working on. It's called Glowing Eyes. First hit this one, and at the same time hit this one. Now do that again, and after that, after two beats, you'll want to hit this."


Josh had taught me the entire song that they had worked on so far, and eventually, I mastered it enough to play while Tyler was singing.

"Josh, you're out of the band. Ashley's in." Tyler joked around. They had a thing for kicking each other out of the band every five minutes.

"No you're out of the band!"

"No you're out of the band!"

"Whatever dude."


Short chapter sorry I just had to update soon
Also, I'm really sad about Michael Gibson leaving
He's watched Tyler grow up
I wish him the best though

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