Nick and Carla: Please Dont Go

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As Carla packed her bags, shoving everything she would need for her new home into them, she had Michelle and Kate in her ear, telling her to stay put.

"Carla, this is your home!" they pleaded, hoping she would listen. "Not anymore its not, look at all the lives iv'e ruined, Nick, Roy, Cathy, i cant stay they wont forgive me" she cried.

"Look they'll get over it in time Carla! Just stop what you're doing, PLEASE!" Michelle begged her best friend.

"Guys, iv'e made my decision, its best if i leave" she says as she shoves the last of her belongings into a case.

"For who?! Its not for us!" Kate yelled. Carla looked up at the two of them. "i know you don't want me to go, but i cant stay, all i ever do is ruin lives, i need to start fresh" she cries as she hugs Kate and Michelle.

"Why cant Nick leave?" Kate says. "Because he's done nothing wrong, that's why" Carla said, tears dribbling down her cheeks.

"He was so rude to you last night at the wedding" Kate said. "I got everything i deserved, he was right about everything anyway" Carla said as she lifted her bag onto the floor.

"Seriously? You're gonna let Tracy win?" Michelle asks. "Chelle, shes already won" Carla says, looking defeated.

"If you stay and just fight for forgiveness from Roy and Cathy and i don't know about Nick..." Michelle pleads.

"Its to late Chelle, its past that stage".

Kate heads downstairs to see Aidan and her dad, to let them know Carla is almost ready. Meanwhile Michelle says her goodbye to Carla.

"Carla, you're my best friend, you always have been and always will be, even if you're hundreds of miles away" she says, as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Darling you'll find someone else, you've got Maria and Kate" She insists.

"That's not the same as having you around, don't do this to me, please Carla" she begs.

"you can come and stay, anytime you want, bring Steve and the rest of the family" Carla nods.

"I'm gonna miss you so so much" Michelle cried. "Ill miss you even more" Carla adds, tears taking over.

"Lets go" Carla says as she grabs her bags and heads down to the car.


"anything you need you know where we are" Aidan says to a teary Carla who is saying her goodbyes to her whole family.

"thanks guys, i wish you all moved here sooner" she slightly laughed. "so do we" Johnny said, as he gave Carla a big hug.

At that moment, Nick comes running around the corner. He slows his pace when he sees Carla saying goodbye to her family. Carla turns around to become face to face with the man she can now call her husband.

"Nick" she whispers. "You going?" he asks bluntly.

"Yeah, i think its best" she says as she sheds more tears. "I'm sorry you know, for everything" she explained.

"Good" he said as he looked over at the other Connor family members.

"I wish things could've worked differently and well, maybe we could've worked things out" she said as she played with her wedding ring. Nick looked at how sad she was and how he still loved her more than anything

"we still could" he says, with a small smile. "What?" Carla says, wondering if she heard right.

"I still love you and we could try fix things, maybe by just being friends at this stage" he says, making her smile. He steps closer to her. "Don't leave because of me" he says softly. He wipes her tears with his thumbs.

"I was leaving more because of the pain iv'e caused everyone" she slightly laughed. "well don't" he says smiling.

Carla didn't know whether Nick was being serious or just wanted her to stay so he could make her sorry for what she did. "i'm sorry, i cant stay" Carla says as she quickly turns away to get into the car.

"Carla" he yells. She turns to face him, a look of sadness lacing her eyes. "Please don't go" he begged. Carla smiled at him.

"Right guys, you can take my bags back up to the flat, oh and you can shout me to lunch" she said as she gave them all a big smile. She had never seen Michelle smile bigger than she did at this moment. She ran over to Carla and gave her a big hug. "i'm so happy you're staying" she cries.

"Looks like i made the right decision after all" she says as she turns to Nick. "Am i invited to this lunch then?" he smirks.

"Yes, as a friend" she says as she gives him a hug. "Thankyou" she says into his shoulder.

"No need to thank me, you don't deserve to be driven away" he smiles.

"well, lets get this lunch in our system aye" she says as she turns and runs up to her flat, needing to get changed. Nick watched her and how her mood changed into being happy again. He loves that side of Carla, and hopefully one day, they would become more than friends again.

A/N: Hey guys, i decided to do this one shot of how i wished things would've ended for Nick and Carla. I changed it around so obviously things aren't the same as how it went. Please leave your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote! Also if you have a one shot you want written, feel free to leave a comment or message me and ill write it. Thankyou for reading x

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