The Proposal

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"Ugh you've got to be kidding me" Nick groans as he looks down at his phone. Carla was sat on the opposite side of the bar, with a red wine, just twiddling her thumbs as she had nothing else to do. "What was that groan for" Carla said as she looked up at Nick. "Well, andy and steph are off work tonight and leanne has just texted saying she can't make it in.... Have you seen this place? It's packed" Nick said trying to get his head around the fact that he is going to be stuck with a restaurant full of customers all by himself. Carla gave him a laugh, placing her wine down on the counter and getting out of her chair, in the process kinda jumping out of it. "I'll help you" she said as she walked around to where he was standing, behind the bar. "No you don't have to do that" Nick said laughing at how she wants to help him out. Has she ever made cocktails before? No. Ever taken someone's order? No. "Nicholas, when I have I ever done something I don't want to do" she said smirking as she played with his tie that hung loosely down his torso. "Well only if your sure, I don't want your night to be ruined" he said while placing his hand on her waist. "I'm here with you, how could it get ruined" she said leaning in for a kiss. Nick pressed his lips against hers, never wanting to let go but unfortunately he had customers waiting for drinks. They parted and Nick assigned Carla some jobs she can do. "Babe, can you take the food to the different tables?" Nick asked her as she did up the top button on her shirt. "Yes of course Mr Tilsley" she said as she smirked at him. She turned around and took a few plate loads of food to numerous different tables, the customers even complimented her on the friendly service. As Carla was giving an elderly couple their meal, Michelle walks in. "Hey Nick, can I have an orange juice please" she said as she dropped her bag on the counter and sat herself on a bar stool. "Yes coming up, bad day?" nick asked while pouring her juice. "Ugh something like that, it's just Aidan you know, he gets on my nerves sometimes as we are living under the same roof" Michelle said looking up at Nick who gave her a sympathy smile. Nick could tell there was more to it, it wasn't just Aidan, it was Steve. "Are you missing steve" Nick said as he handed over her orange juice. "Is it that obvious" she said while slightly laughing.

"Great service from you dear, are you a regular employee?" The elderly woman asked carla who was still serving customers. "No I'm just helping out" Carla said as she smiled. "I might have to make a formal compliment about you to the owner, he should have you become a regular" the lady said as she took a sip of her whiskey. Carla laughed. "I'm sure he would not want me in his company all the time, he's probably sick of me as it is" her face looked over at Nick who was chatting with Michelle. "He looks like a lovely man, is he single" the elderly lady, named Agnes asked as she laughed with her dining companion. "Well sorry to burst your bubble lady's but he's actually my boyfriend" Carla said as she gathered up some dirty dishes from there table. "Ooooooooooooooo, your a lucky girl" agnis said, loud enough for half the bistro to stop what they were talking about to listen Into the loud conversation that was fast becoming something Carla wanted to get out of. She looked over at nick who was gesturing for her to go back over to the bar. Michelle had gone into the toilets. "Look it was great chatting to you two lovely lady's but I've gotta get back to work" Carla said as she gave them a smile and then turned back to walk towards the bar with an arm load of dirty dishes. "Look who's been popular with the staff tonight then" Nick smirked and slapped her butt as Carla walked through to the kitchen, dumping the load of dishes for the cleaner or whatever. "Aren't I popular with everyone" she smirked as she placed her arms around his neck and forced herself onto her tippy toes so she could reach his lips. They passionately kissed for around 10 seconds before Nick realised he needed to get back out to work. The pair left the kitchen of the bistro, smiling at each other. Michelle was now back at the bar, wanting another orange juice. "Nick, can I ha-" her sentence was interrupted by the surprise that Carla was their to. "What are you doing behind the bar" Michelle laughed aswell as looking equally confused. "Just helping out" she said before spinning around and walking off to gather more food for customers. "You know she makes a good waitress" nick said to michelle who nodded in agreement. "Maybe she should quit working in a knicker factory and come serve drinks instead" Michelle laughed. "You know, I think sticking to knickers is better, knowing her she will guzzle down a weeks worth of red wine in a day, leaving us having to cross off the red on our menu" nick laughed as he watched carla walking around his restaurant, he smiled at the job she was doing, how she took every customer in her stride and didn't let her night off be ruined by having to serve people.

"What a hectic night that was" nick said as he wiped the last of the tables clean. "It was, I enjoyed it though" Carla said as she washed her hands under the sink. "You enjoyed it? I would've thought, knowing you, that you would want to just drink yourself into oblivian all night" Nick said as he dodged carlas arm that was swinging towards his shoulder. "Oi, I'll have you know, I enjoy working sometimes" she laughed. Nick made sure the kitchen was clear, made sure everything was tidy after the night, carla sat down on the opposite side of the bar where she had been Sitting earlier. "You know, michelle is really missing Steve at the moment" nick said as he leant down on the bar so he could speak to carla at a reasonable height. "Well I'm sure she isn't missing his filthy habits" Carla laughed, making nick laugh to. "You know carla, if we were to ever get married, I think I would hate if you went away for any long length of time, it would kill me" Nick said smiling at her. This made Carla think, her brain scanned all the memories of her and nick, even resorting back to the 2010 days where she was vile to him. "I don't think I could either, why don't we just get married, its not like we've just met each other is it" Carla said as she gave nick a smirk. Their faces were centimetres apart, nicks face lit up at the sound of her wanting to marry him. "You wanna get married?" Nick asked her As he stood upright. "Why not?" Carla laughed. "Of course I'll marry you!" He said while grabbing either side of her face and pulling her into a kiss, a kiss that would never be forgotten. As they pulled apart they felt the sparks, they didn't want anything else other than each other, every inch of skin of each other's body was like glass to one another. They would never hurt each other, they meant far to much to one other to break the others heart. Nick has never felt like he does when he is with Carla, he's weak, he finds it almost difficult to concentrate on the simplest everyday things. This marriage was gonna be one that neither of them would hurt one another, there would be upsets, and disagreements but that's normal, the way they love each other and the way they are with one another is obvious that they never want to let each other go. They cracked open a bottle of red to celebrate before heading back to Carla's, where they spent the rest of the night celebrating in a different kind of way.

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