Carlas Birthday

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Happy birthday to the queen of the cobbles and obviously my favourite fictional character Carla Connor! Here's a one shot I wrote for her birthday X

"Happy birthday gorgeous" nick chimed as he walked into the room with a small cupcake with one love heart candle in the middle. She slowly sat up and adjusted her eyes to the surrounding light. "Nick, Thankyou" she said while taking the cupcake and blowing out the one candle that was there. He lent down and kissed her, and pulled an envelope out from behind his back. "What's this?" Carla asked as she looked into his eyes with confusion. "It's for you, open it" he begged as he passed her the envelope titled with 'my angel'. She smiled reading how he called her angel. But she really shouldn't have as 2 days previous she was far from an angel, she had let her wings into someone else's arms, someone's that never ever would mean anything to her. She opened the envelope to see a beautiful card, decorated in silver glitter, she opened the card up to see a lovely message stating how much he loved her.

'Happy birthday sweetheart, I know you don't like a fuss but I'm going to make one. I do love you you know, so much, I just hate seeing you so upset, that's why I try help in any way i can but I understand your a grown woman and you can do what you want so I hope you can let me make today special and tonight when we head to Blackpool, all my love, Nick X'

Her eyes welled up at how sweet he was being, she didn't deserve this kind of treatment in her eyes. "Blackpool?" She asked trying to hide her tears. "I just thought, seeing as things are a bit tough around here at the moment we could have a night away together" he stated. She lent up and kissed him, kissed him passionately, nothing like 2 days previous when she was rough with another man, her tongue almost swallowing down his throat in an eager bid to forget her worries but instead it made her worries a million times worse.

"This dressing gown needs a wash I reckon" carla laughed as she exited the bedroom but she gasped as she saw a beautifully decorated table, with candles, a gourmet breakfast and a long oblong box in the middle of the table. "Oh my... Nick..." She was lost for words. Nick came over to her, gently holding her and placing his lips on hers. "I love you carla" he whispered. Those words would always make carla die a little in side, not just because she loved him more than anything but because she had betrayed him. She had done the worst possible thing to the man she thought she would never lose. She Warned him though, she did tell him she would hurt him in the end but she never ever thought that would be by cheating. They sat down to eat breakfast. The pair enjoying the food but soon enough it was all gone. "Nick Thankyou, you really didn't need to" she stated. "No I didn't, but I wanted to" he said getting up and taking both of their plates to the sink. "Oh I almost forgot, that box on the table, open it" he smiled. She clasped her fingers on the box and slowly lifted the lid to reveal the most beautiful necklace she had ever recieved. A tear escaped her eye, nick noticed and moved from the sink to her side. "Hey don't cry, it was supposed to make you smile" he laughed while wiping a tear off her cheek with his thumb. "Nick it's beautiful, I, I can't even begin to thank you enough" she stuttered between certain words as the shock got to her. "Let me put it on for you aye" nick explained as he gently fitted it around her neck, clasping it up before spinning her round to kiss her.

"This is posh" laughed carla as they entered the lobby of the hotel. "Yeah it is a bit actually" he giggled in unison to her. They got the key to their room and headed upstairs, taking in the beauty of the place. The banisters were golden, the walls were a very lovely velvet red colour. "Ahhhh that's what I call a bed" nick said as he threw himself onto the neatly made throne of a bed. It had a white duvet with a large red velvet throw over, the bedside tables had black lamps with small candles beside each one. "Nick your spoiling me" she said as she placed her bag down on the floor. "You deserve it" he said as he pulled her down onto the bed with him. Smothering her with love. This moment reminded her of what she had done, the way she had pulled Robert on top of her, the way she had kissed him like he mattered, but in reality he didn't, not to her, not ever. She let herself go with nick though, she let him embrace her in this romantic moment, she let him kiss her wherever, she let him take charge because she felt safe, she always felt safe with him.

Their clothes were piled on the floor, the room was hot from their body's, the bed covers were messy but they lay beneath them, together. There was no carla running a mile, there was no telling him it should never have happened because it should've, he was hers and she was his and Robert? Well he was a mistake something that disgusted her to her very core, something that she would try so hard to forget but she knew she had to tell nick, she had to tell him but she needed to explain that it was a mistake, she couldn't bare him kissing her knowing what she has done. God she loved his kisses, loved everything about him but because she did truly love him she needed to be straight.

"Thankyou for everything today nick, actually Thankyou for everything you've done since we got together, I wouldn't of made it without you" she smiled while cuddling into his side. "It's what I'm here for, to care, love and be by your side no matter what" he said while rubbing his thumb over her cheek. She knew today she couldn't tell him, not after everything he's done for her, but she would tell him when they got home, she would, she had to.

"Happy birthday sweetheart" nick whispered into her hair as she slowly drifted to sleep. She looked so peaceful yet inside she was broken.

Thankyou for reading! I hope you liked it, and sorry if you didn't. Please comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote X

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