The Wedding Day

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Carlas POV:
Today is the day i become a Tilsley. I had never imagined i would be marrying Nick, i always thought i would be with Peter but he ruined us, ruined us for good. I now felt nothing for peter, not one small feeling for him but i felt millions for Nick. He was a brilliant bloke, always there for me when i needed a shoulder to cry on, he was perfect for me. Last night i had a few drinks with Michelle and Kate as i wasnt really interested in having a hen do as i had them basically every other time. This morning we were all happy, i was a bit nervous but thats to be expected i guess after all my other marriages have failed. "Michelle can you pass me my shoes?" i ask as im sitting down in my flat with Maria doing my hair. "here you go babes" Michelle said as she placed them down by my feet. "right all done" Maria piped up from behind me. "ahh thankyou! it looks perfect" i say as i stare into a handheld mirror. "im glad you like it, ill see you at the ceremony a bit later ok?" she said as she packed up her equipment and left my flat. Kate was in my room putting on her bridesmaid dress and Michelle already had hers on and was doing my makeup for me. "do you want dark or light eyshadow?" she asked me as she held up the two options in her hand. "Dark please" i reply while closing my eyes for her to apply it. Michelle was quick at doing makeup so within a few minutes i was ready, i just had to place on my shoes and i was done.

Nicks POV:
today was the day, the day Carla Connor will become my wife. i felt like the luckiest man in the world, getting to call her mine and within hours we would be Mr and Mrs Tilsley. Last night i never had a stag do, ive had a few in my time and i just wanted a couple of drinks so me, David and Aidan all went to a hotel, next door to the venue that our wedding will be held at. "i cant believe its today" i murmered as i straighted my bowtie in the mirror. "it only seems like the other week that you two announced your engagement" Aidan said. He was in the mirror next to me, straightning his suit. He was very presice as to how he wanted to look. "i know, i just hope everything goes smoothly today, shes been through a lot and i dont want to rush her into this if its not what she wants" i explain. David had just come out of the shower and his ears obviously decided to listen in on me and Aidans converstaion. "Nick, mate, this is her 4th time in marriage, do you really think your 'rushing' into anything?" he says as he places some hair gel into his freshly washed hair. "i just want her to be ready for another marriage, its not been that long since she split with peter" I explain to the both of them. "Look Nick, she loves you, she really does, theres nothing to worry about" Aidan says as he looks down at his watch. "well apart from the fact we are going to be late" he adds. My eyes bulge wide, i was to busy yacking i forget to watch the time, what if she thinks im not coming, i need to hurry. "Right we need to go, NOW" i say in a panicked tone. "Right have you got everything bro?" david asks as we exit the hotel room. "yes ive got everything, i think" i say as i was rather confused as to what i needed to bring. We made our way next door, as thats where the venue is situated. There were a lot of cars, but one car in particular caught my eye. it had wedding tape over the window, it was white and looked rather fancy, something Carla would definately come in. She was already here. I ran across the garden and into the venue, i ran down the aisle and situated myself at the front, ready for the ceremony. "where have you been?" Gail whispered to me. "i lost track of time" i said back to her, my breath ragged as i had just ran from the hotel into here. "carlas been worried sick that you wouldnt turn up" she said rather angrily to me. I just hoped she hadnt legged it. Next thing i hear music, the type that indicates that the bride is coming. I took a deep breath and stood up, i slowly turned around and my mouth dropped open. I couldnt beleive my eyes. She was stunning, beyond that even. Her hair was done up in some fancy do with some shorter strands hanging loosely by her face. She was arm in arm with roy, she looked so happy, her smile was wide and her skin was glowing. This was actually happening and i couldnt quite believe it.

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