Carlas proposal

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Ok so first off, I know I've already done a Carla proposal but I didn't really like it so I have done one from Carla's point of view. I'm a lot happier with this one even though it's super short, so yeah hope you enjoy x

Carla's POV:
"Nick Tilsley, will you marry me?"

They were the 6 words that came out of my mouth. Nothing more, nothing less.
My eyes were fixated on his, waiting for a reply, waiting for that answer that would change my future. The suspense was killing me, the look in his eyes was hard to read, he was staring at me, in shock. was this going to be harder than i expected?

"Nick!" Michelle yelled as she ran into the bistro. In that moment Nicks eyes moved from mine to Michelle. i was annoyed that Michelle had walked in at that very moment, causing me to wait even longer for a reply to my question. My mind then wandered.. had i asked Nick to marry me far to soon? was he willing to commit to me yet? will we last?.. many other questions circled my brain but i had no answers, not even the main one i was awaiting. "Sarah has be hit by Tim's van" she said through her ragged breath. She had ran from the street into the bistro, not far really but still, she was out of breath. Nick froze, 2 bombshells had just been dropped on him, i felt stupid, i felt rude but i wasn't to know that Sarah would be hit by a van was i. Nick turned to me, a look of shock on his face, he didn't even acknowledge my question, not once. "I'm gonna have to go to the hospital, ill see you later" he said. Before he could even leave his restaurant i gathered my things and fled. i was Embarrassed, i had stood there and asked my boyfriend of 3 months to marry me, only 3 months, what was i thinking. In my mind i worried, had i just ruined my relationship wit Nick? he makes me happy, something that was rare for me as my track record with men was not very flash. I threw my leather jacket over my shoulders and pushed my arms into the sleeves, The cool air that was previously giving me goosebumps was gone. i felt relived to be out of there, away from the chaos of customers. As much as i really enjoyed my night helping Nick as he was short staffed, i felt like i had ruined it by asking that one stupid question. I walk as fast as i can down the cobbles, my heels clicking on the cold pavement beneath me. I didn't want Nick to exit the bistro and see me, i wanted time, time to think what I've asked and wether i had done the right thing.

My mind starting having flashbacks, Flashbacks of my previous marriages. i had been married 3 times, Once to Paul, once to Tony and then once to Peter.
As i went through the memories, the only things i could think of was how each marriage ended, the pain and heartbreak i went through after each one and funnily enough it wasn't just the marriages that have caused me heartbreak, i had also been raped by Frank, one of my exes. i found out Paul was an escort, we had been married for 7 years, i was In love with him but our marriage was full of arguments. Then came Tony, i never truly loved him, he was more of a distraction from the man i really did love, Liam. My marriage to tony ended when he admitted to hiring a hit man to kill off Liam, there was no way i would ever ever forgive him for that. My most recent marriage to peter Barlow ended when he admitted to having an affair with the babysitter. i loved peter, i thought he was the one, but now that i look back i realise how much i was looking after him,having to ring him all the time to find out where he was, see if he was laying in a gutter drunk or worse off dead. I am actually so grateful those days are over and i am sharing my life with a man who is caring, funny, trustworthy and i never ever have to look after him, we are a team and that's what i love. He treats me with so much respect, kisses me like no other man ever has, his touch sends shivers down my spine, his eyes make me melt, once again no other man has made me feel like this. At that moment i realised, i realised i have made the right decision on asking him to marry me.

I sat myself down with a large glass of red, my flat was empty, i had no music playing, just my own thoughts. Nick spent most nights at mine, i never really stayed at his seeing as Bethany and Sarah lived there as well. I was wondering wether Nick would come in tonight, would i feel his warm body against mine, would i feel his lips against mine before i went to sleep and as soon as i wake up? i had no idea as he hadn't called or sent me a text ever since i left the bistro embarrassed. I took a small sip of my wine, the bitter taste spreading throughout my mouth giving me a satisfied feeling. I was deep in my own thoughts when i heard the doorknob turn, i spun around on my chair to reveal Nick. His arms behind his back with a small sympathetic smile plastered across his handsome face.

"Nick-" before i could even finish my sentence he cut me off. "Don't" he said as he lightly kicked the door closed behind him. He moved closer to me and my heart started racing. His presence warmed me, the calming look on his face made me comfterble. His hands shuffled behind his back, before he pulled out a bunch of roses. "Here" he said as he handed them to me. I was so happy tears started forming in my eyes. I grasped hold of them and placed my nose up to one of them and smelt. They were great, they were fresh. My Nick had done this for me, I'm the luckiest girl alive I thought to myself. I placed the roses gently down on the bench top and I spun myself around again to face him as I was still sitting in my bar stool. His warm hands grasped mine which made me weak, his touch always made me weak. "Earlier you asked me a question, a question which shocked me-" he said as I cut him off. "Nick I'm so sor-" I started before he placed his finger upon my lips. "Shhhh" he whispered. I let out a slight giggle at him. "I wasn't expecting you to propose right there and then, I always thought I would be the one to ask you. I guess I was in shock but now that it's sunk in I would love nothing more than to call you my wife" he said as he gently stroked my hand with his thumb. My face lit up, my smile grew larger than I ever think it has, the room was filled with love, the love of me and Nick. "So your saying yes?!" I said more excited than I've ever been. "Of course I I'm saying yes!" He said as he threw his lips on mine. The sensation was warm, my body was numb, his body became closer to mine every second. He pulled away "Carla Connor, soon to be Tilsley, I love you" Nick said as he once again crashed his lips onto mine. I smiled throughout the kiss making sure he knew I loved him too. This was definitely a day to remember.

"Nick Tilsley, will you marry me?" Were the 6 words that would change my life forever, not for the worse but for the good. The lies and deceit I had from all my previous husbands were memories but Nick was my future and the man I wish to grow old with. Our love for one another was getting stronger every day and honestly, I couldn't imagine life without him now.

Thankyou for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment letting me know what you thought, and if your excited for the proposal, give this a vote. x

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