Weed for windass

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So heres something a bit different i decided to write, it does involve Carla and Nick so dont worry.

Izzys POV:
Erica Holroyd had recently dosed me up with some weed, I was feeling like a youngster, out in the alleyways having a smoke. My concentration was starting to be noticed by a few people at work. "Izzy, whats with this pair of knickers in this bin, it's supposed to be in the other" Eva said in her annoying voice. "Oh sorry, my mistake" I quickly fixed it and carried on to sew. "Izzy Windass, you're a bit clumsy this week aren't ya, what's going on kid" Sean said sarcastically from his machine. "What?" I said as he interupted my train of thought. "You, your away with the fairys, is everything okay" he asked. Sounding more sympathetic than he did the previous sentence, even though I hardly heard him. "Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be" I told him straight.

I heard clicking heels coming through onto the floor, I knew exactly who it was. "Right you lot, I want a word" carla screeched. You could always tell when not to mess with Carla and now was one of those occasions. Everyone placed their items down and looked up at mrs C who had her arms crossed. "So this order, it was supposed to be out 3 hours ago, what's going on?!" She yelled, leaving my ears ringing. Eva piped up. "We are just waiting on izzy to finish up her knickers, she's Been on the same batch all day" Eva glared over at me. I looked mrs connor in the eyes. "Sorry mrs Connor" I say through my nerves. "Your sorry?! Yeah you will be sorry when i leave you without a job" she yelled as she marched back through to her office. My heart was now racing. I could feel my workmates all glaring into my soul but I just needed one thing. And that one thing was weed.

"have you gone through that lot already?" erica asked me as we stood in the ginnel. "yes, now give me some more" i said blunty. i wanted this to be a quick procedure not some long winded thing that would cause in someone walking buy and realising whats going on. "okay, okay" she laughed as she reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a small brown bag. inside was the clear bag filled with the weed, the stuff that was making me happy. but the thing i didnt realise is that it was affecting my working abilities to the point where everyone at the factory had noticed my behaviour.

Carlas POV:
it was luchtime and i was seated at the bar in the bistro, talking to Nick, burying my worries in the wine that was infront of me. "ugh i better get back to work soon" i said as Nick took a chip off the plate of nachos that we were sharing. "oh do you have to?" he asked me while he chomped on his chip. "yeah i do, ive got izzy Armstrong acting like something out of the telletubbies" i said while taking a sip of my wine and looking up at him. "ya what" he laughed. "oh shes just acting like a right weirdo, somethings not right" i say to him. i had no idea what was going on with Izzy but all i did know was that she wasnt herself and i was giong to find out why. "bye babe" i say as i pick up my hanbag and give him a slow gentle kiss on the lips. "see you later detective Connor" he winked. i gave him a cheeky grin before exiting the bistro

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