Chapter 22

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Joey's PØV:

        "Get up, we're going to be late!" Daniel shouts running to the bathroom to get ready. I start to drift off to sleep, but then my eyes pop back open as I feel cold water being poured on my face. "Daniel, what the hell!" I say jumping up and out of bed. "I told you to get up." He replies slipping on some sweatpants.

        "Now go get dressed we only have 45 minutes to get to the airport." He says and I walk to the bathroom lazily. I brush my teeth and use the bathroom. I walk back out and see Daniel sitting on the bed, dressed and ready to go. I grab a pair of sweatpants and a light blue shirt, pulling them on.

       "Ok I'm ready, let's roll." I say as Daniel and I walk out of the room. We get in the car and make our way to the airport. We finally arrive and we make out way to our flight.

         "It's ok, don't be nervous, I'll be here by your side the whole time." He says grabbing my leg and stopping it from bouncing. "Daniel?" I ask looking at him. "Yeah sweetie, what's wrong?" He asks looking at me with concern. "I ummmm.....I kinda.....forgot to take my pill for when I go on flights." I stutter biting my lip.

         "Shit." He spats. "It's ok we'll get through this and you'll be ok." He states grabbing my hand and kissing it. "Can we get a couple drinks please? Oh alchol ones though." Daniel asks a flight attendant. She nods and walks off.

       "I think I can do this Daniel, I'll be ok. Now I'm going to try and go to sleep." I say and lay my seat back as we begin to take off (We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship. Ok I'll stop, but fr tho...I don't think you can do that.) "Breathe in and out, in and out." He says and I copy his words, putting them to work on my lungs.

        I wake up with a chest pressed against mine. I sit up and see Daniel under me, I kiss his cheek and lie back down. "Are you ok baby?" He asks and kisses my temple. I nod and let out a sigh. "We're about to land so why don't you get into your seat and we can cuddle when we get to the hotel. I kiss him on the lips and then move back to my chair.

     *later bc I'm lazy and tired af*

        "It's so perfect!" I say plopping onto the bed, Daniel joining me. "I'm so proud of you baby." He says and I lean over and kiss him. I walk over to my suitcase and grab a shirt changing and leaving my sweatpants off. I crawl into bed and pat the spot beside me. Daniel takes his pants and shirt off and joins me under the covers.

         "I love you so much." He says nuzzling his nose into the back of my neck. "I love you too." I reply and turn the light out. We both fall into a deep slumber.

   Sorry that was such a crappy chapter, but I'm tired and I've had cramps so I'm not feeling the best, but today was my last day of band camp and I'm so happy!! So yeah. Me and Annnnnnnnnnn have figured out that I will write the even chapters and she will write odd. Ok? Ok. Bye lovelies! Be Smiley, Don't Be Gloomy!!😜💕
                          -Kaitlyn the bi bitch✌

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