Chapter 20

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Nick's POV:

        Me and Max already understood sex, but what we didn't understand was that our dad's didn't have sex with girls, instead with each other and they're both guys. "Does my dad or your dad have a vagina?" I ask Max. He looks at me with confusion. "They both have weiners don't they?" He asks and I shrug.

        "I don't know what's so interesting about boys. Maybe dad finds them prettier than girls." Max says. "Let's go ask." I say and walk to the door. "No, they might find it weird!" He says grabbing my wrist.

       "How about we look it up?" He says as he grabs his ipad. He types in 'Why does my dad like boys instead of girls?' Into google. We wait for it to load, a page pops up and gives us a bunch of sites, he clicks the first one we see.

         We sit for a minute reading to ourselves and I gasp. "Max! Our dad's are faggots!" I say and Max looks at me with hatred. "Don't say that!! My dad said that word hurts his feelings!" Nick looks down in shame. "Why can't we just ask them?" I ask and he holds up a finger still looking at the ipad.

        "These people are mean on here, they just love each other! I don't like this website!" He states turning the ipad off. We both lay on the bed looking up at the glowing stars. "Well they love each other and I love you, but does that mean I have to kiss you?" I ask the boy laying beside me.
"I don't you want to?" He asks turning over looking at me. "I mean I don't want to, I have a crush that's a girl." I say.

        "How about we just try? No homo." He says and I look at him with a smile. "What does that even mean?" He asks. "I don't know I've always heard the older grades say it when they finish a sentence while talking to another guy." He shrugs. "Well I guess we could try." I say.

       We both lean in and give each other a peck on the lips. I pull away and cover my mouth. "Ew! I don't like that!" I say and we both start fake gagging while wiping our lips. "This never leaves this room, it's our little secret okay?" I ask, he nods and we pinky promise. "I'm sleepy, can you turn the light out?" Max asks. I walk across the room and turn the lights off, hopping back in bed.

      "Goodnight Max, sweet dreams." I say. "Goodnight Nick. Don't let the bed bugs bite." We both laugh and soon I hear snores coming from Max.

     Remember when I said I had a crush on a girl? Well I was lying, I just didn't want him to think I was weird. To be honest, I've always had a crush on Tyler, number 63 on our soccer team. I'm scared, I mean those people on that website are mean, is everybody like that? Also the word 'faggot' what does that even mean? Is that what I am? I hope not. It sounds like a bad thing.

  Wassup bitchez!!! I'm back!! So I hope y'all enjoy our new writer, she's really good and super nice for writing while I was out. Don't worry I'm not kicking her out, we're trying to work out a schedule so that we can both write. So that was a cute little chapter that I enjoyed writing. Yeah it was really short, but I need to get back in the writing spirit!! Bye lovelies! Be Smiley, Don't Be Gloomy!!💕😜

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