Chapter 13

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Joey's POV:

         "Hey babe!" I say walking up to Daniel and rubbing his back. "You look stressed." I say wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his back.

          "No, I'm good, just tired." He says rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Then go home and go to sleep, I'll finish practice and bring Nick home." I say, I actually don't mind, I miss soccer. "Really? You'd do that for me?" He asks turning around. "Of course!" I say smiling. He kisses me and thanks me before leaving.

       "OK ONE MORE TIME! LINE UP!" I yell at the kids. This is fun.


        I knock on the door and there's no answer. I try opening it and luckily it was unlocked. "Daniel!" I shout through the house. I put the bag of balls down in the dining room, the boys behind me setting everything else down.

        I look over and see a sleepy Danny rubbing his eyes. "Hey." He says in a groggy voice. "Oh my god, Daniel you look terrible!" I say rushing over to him. "I'm fine, I just don't feel the greatest, I think I have a cold." He says. I roll my eyes knowing it's not a cold. "What's tomorrow? Saturday!" I think out loud. "I'll take Nick home with me so you can get rest and get better." I say and him nodding. "I'll be here checking on you tomorrow though!" I say walking out of the door after making sure Daniel was good.

        "Since it's Saturday, who wants to stay up late?" I ask the kids smiling. "I do!" They say in unision. "Wait can we play Pokémon Go?!" Max asks. I've been meaning to check out the game, but never got around to it. "Sure!" I shrug. They both pull out their I-pods. (Hahaha I still have one of these!) "Where to first?" I ask them. "Let's go to Walmart!" Nick answers. We drive to Walmart and start walking around the store.

         "OMG I GOT A PIKACHU!!" I yell and everybody looks at me. We run out laughing and hop in the car. I check the time, 3 am. "Are y'all hungry?" I ask. Both boys nod and we go to a small drive-thru.

          "Ok go to bed monsters!" I say walking into the house. I walk into my room and am way too tired to take a shower. I plop onto my bed and fall fast asleep.

        I wake up to two boys jumping on my bed. I look at the clock, it's only 7am. "How are y'all awake?" I ask tired still. "We slept and then in the morning we opened our eyes and I think people call that waking up!" Max says sarcastically. I laugh at his tone knowing he got it from me.

        "Ugh! How about we go get breakfast? I don't feel like cooking." I say and the boys smile running out of the room. I get up and walk to my closet pulling out a blue shirt and some sweatpants, yep I'm lazy, I know. "Ok let's go!" I holler and the boys come running down the stairs.

        "When we're done eating we're going back to your house." I say pointing at Nick. He nods and we eat.


       "Danny you have to go to the hospital!" I tell the man who looks worse than yesterday. He shakes his head and stuffs his face into the pillow. "Then I'll call an ambulance!" I threaten. "I'm up!" He says getting out of bed.

         We arrive at the hospital and we all go inside. I call Cat and ask if she can watch the kids for a little while. We sign in and wait in the waiting room. Cat finally walks in and takes the kids, I thank her and then they call Daniel back.

           "So what seems to be the problem Daniel?" The doctor asks. "I've been really tired, don't feel like eating, and I've had terrible headaches." He says and the doctor nods. "Ok well, we're going to take some samples of your saliva." The doctor explains. We both nod and then he swabs his mouth.

        "I'll be back." The doctor says with a smile, leaving the room. I sit in a red chair in the corner and pull out my phone. "I love you." Daniel says all of a sudden. I blush, "I love you too!" I say smiling.

         "Ok so you want the bad news first?" The doctor asks closing the door behind him. A frown forms on my face. Daniel nods. "Ok so you have Mono." He says, a single tear falling down my cheek. "Good news is that you came in early enough, so we can just send you home with some medicine." He says and then writes out a prescription. "Y'all have a good day!" He says with a small smile, leaving.

         "Who was it?" I ask looking Daniel in the eyes. "Joey I di-" He gets out before I cut him off. "I don't fucking care, just answer my question!" I say sternly, tears running down my cheeks. "It was Shane, but let me explain." He says.

        I nod. "I was packing all the stuff up after practice one day and one of the balls had went under the bleachers so I had to go around and get it. I got the ball, but when I turned around Shane was standing there. He kissed me and shoved his tounge into my mouth. I pushed him away and slapped him." He says, I nod and smirk. I'm going to chop Shane's balls off!

       "Joey I'm sorry. Oh my god!" He says gasping. "It's fine, but what?" I ask concerned.

"I kissed you yesterday, do you think you have it?" He asks. I sigh. Great, just fucking great!

  Hey guys so I hope you liked this chapter. I don't mean to make Shane a bad guy, it's just story purposes. I liked writing this chapter, it took my mind off of stuff. So I hope y'all have a good day or night!!
QOTD: What's your favorite song rn?

Mine is Brand New by: Ben Rector
I suggest listening to it!!

Bye lovelies! Be Smiley, Don't be Gloomy!😛💕😊
P.s. I'm writing this at 1 am and have to wake up at 5am!! Then go to a doc appointment at 8am!! What fun!

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