Chapter 15

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Daniel's POV:

Why did I cheat on Joey? I'm so fucking stupid! I wish none of this happened. I need to talk to him tomorrow.

I walk into my house and see Hope and Nick cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. "Hey!" Nick says running towards me and I engulf him in a hug. "Why don't you go to bed buddy, you look tired." I say and he nods and gives me a kiss on the cheek, running to his room.

"Are you okay?" Hope asks as I lay across the couch putting my head in her lap, she starts playing with my hair. "What's wrong, tell mama." She says and I burst into tears.

"I messed up! I hooked up with Shane and then I got Mono! I fucking mes-ss-ed up!" I say losing it all at the end. I sob into my hands and then Hope takes them in her hands. "Why did you cheat?" She asks. "I don't even fucking know! It was just open to me!" I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Come on Daniel, you idiot! Joey loved you and you go and cheat on him! You need to get yourself together and go talk to him. He's probably crying his eyes out right now!" Hope says sternly. "He's not gonna take me back!" I say sobbing even harder at the realization.

Hope slaps me across the face and leaves it stinging. "Will you shut up already and go get your man back!?" She says louder than intended. I hop up and run to the door, but turn back around. "Wait can you wa-" I try asking, but get cut off. "Yes, I'll watch Nick, now go get em tiger!" She says laughing.

Joey's POV:

I lay in my bed as tears fall down my cheeks, wetting the pillow. I can't feel anything, I'm numb. My head is pounding and I just want to puke.

Tink tink......tink. I hear coming from the other side of the room. I get up and walk to my window holding my stomach. I look out and see Daniel throwing pebbles at my window. He signals for me to come down. I roll my eyes, pissed off, and walk downstairs and go outside.

"What the hell do you want Daniel?!" I yell at him. "I just wanted to talk to you. I want to fix this." He says holding his hands up in surrender. "You should've thought of that in the first place!" I yell holding back my tears. "Joey, I'm sorry, I truly am. I love you more than anything! I messed the fuck up and cheated on you with Shane! I'm a fucking idiot! Please Joey I'm begging you to take me back, let me try again!" He says dropping to his knees.

"I-i can't! I can't do this! How can I believe you?" I say and he looks at me with hopeful eyes. He stands up and pulls me into a hug. A warm, nice, and comforting hug. I melt into him and breathe in his scent. This feels so promising. "This is what I needed." I say as he massages my neck. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done any of this. I should've turned away." He says kissing the top of my head. "I should've been a good boyfriend and came to you if I ever had those thoughts. I'm sorry!" He says. I look up and see tears falling down his face. I really think he's serious.

I slap him across the face and then pull him in for a kiss. "I hate you so much!" I say pulling him in for another kiss and I don't know why, but that was our best kiss. I pull away and look into his eyes. "Why did you slap me?" He asks with a smile. "You deserved it." I say and hug him again.

"I better get going." He says and I hug him tighter. "I have a feeling that you don't want me to go?" He asks, I nod. "Can you stay with me Danny?" I ask because there's no way I'm letting him go. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and lay my head on his shoulder.

We walk into the house and he lays me on the bed and pulls out his phone, probably texting Hope. He lays down beside me and pulls me closer to him. "I feel like a teenager again." I say. "Why is that?" He asks turning towards me and running his hands through my hair. "Because I used to cuddle with my boyfriends, have ups and downs, but in the end it's all good." I explain. He nods and smiles.

"I wish we were in our teenage years." He says. "We could be living our dreams! No kids, I mean I love them, but like they come later. We could've traveled the world together together, fell in love, got married, and then buy our own house together and then have kids." He says and I look down the whole time, playing with his shirt.

"Oh Danny boy, don't you know we could do all that still. I'm already living my dream, I have you." I say and he lifts my chin with his fingers. "And you'll always have me." He says and kisses me passionately.

Hey guys so there was an update!!! I want to give a shout out to janiel_baby for voting for all my chapters and commenting!! Thanks!! So what are you guys up to on this Janiel anniversary day?!?! Bye lovelies!!! Be Smiley, Don't Be Gloomy!!😊💕😜

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