Chapter 5

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Just thought I should double today!! This is a filler btw, it's short.😊

Daniel's POV:

I don't know, I think I'm in love with him! There's no way, we just met. Oh what the hell, I love him!

"Dad watch!" Nick says as he kicks the ball into the goal in our backyard. "Good job bud. Are you almost ready to go?" I ask him. He nods his head and runs into the house. I follow him in, grab my keys, and we're out the front door.

I grab the bag of soccer balls out of the back of the car. "Dad, throw me a ball!" Nick hollers from the field which is a few yards away. I open the bag and grab a ball. I throw it up and kick it as it comes down, it falling behind him and him running after it.

"OK ONE MORE LAP!" I yell at the kids running around the field. Max is the first to finish of course. He's the fastest on our team. Everybody else filing in after and sitting on the benches. "Ok practice was good today, our game is this Saturday and after that we are having a cookout! Ok so just make sure to bring your best for the game and your bathing suit for the pool! Ok dismissed!" I said and the kids grabbed their bags and a snack then left.

"Ok Max and Nick pick up the balls and we'll get icecream. The faster you get the balls, the faster we can get icecream." I say with a smirk. Joey walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. "Hi." He says with a cheeky grin. "Hey. I told the kids we were getting icecream so we can tell them about us. Is that ok?" He nods in response.

"I want chocolate! I want mint! Ew! You're ew!" The boys keep fighting back and forth. I laugh as we walk up to the counter to order. "Hi, what can I get for you today?" The cashier says with a kind smile. "Umm...a chocolate cup, a mint cup, a strawberry cup, and a vanilla cup." I say knowing what everybody wanted. "That'll be $10.87!" She says. I grab my credit card out of wallet and slide it into the machine. We wait in line and soon enough our icecream is scooped and given to us.

We sit down and I look at Joey to see if he's ok. He nods and I start talking to the kids. "So umm...we have something to tell y'all." Both boys look at us questioningly. "We are dating!" Joey says. "Oh we knew that." Max says and continues eating his icecream. "How did you know?" I ask surprised. "When you came home last night I woke up and saw you guys kissing, but closed my eyes to pretend I was sleeping. Then when Mr.Preda left aunt Cat started screeching and y'all talked a lot about your date!" He says looking up once finishing his sentence, kicking his feet. Me and Joey burst into laughter, then the kids joining.

Well that was easier than I expected!" Joey says as we walk out hand in hand with the boys in front of us. "So I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies or something tomorrow?" I ask with hopeful eyes. Joey looks up with a smile. "Sure, how about we see The Fault in our Stars?" (Old movie I know) Joey asks. I smile and nod.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow at 7?" I ask, him nodding and smiling before giving me a kiss goodbye. I wave and hop into my car. "So did you and Mr.Graceffa have sex?" Nick asks from beside me. "No......where did you learn about that word anyways?" I ask surprised. "I'm 7 dad, I'm not a little kid!" He says. I shake my head and laugh. "Ok, whatever." We pull out and head home.

Hey so that was a little filler. Ok yeah bye lovelies!! Be Smiley, Don't be Gloomy!😊💕

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